Pack 144's
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Popcorn 2018
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Rank Requirements

Cub Scout Pack 144
(Hermon-DeKalb, New York)
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Youth Protection Training

All adult volunteers are required to take Youth Protection Training before they can register with the Unit. We also highly encourage all PARENTS (even if not volunteering) to take YPT as well. This is recommended for two reasons: 1) The parent has an understanding of how to protect their own child in and out of Scouts and 2) This allows two-deep leadership during Scout events which can come in handy when not enough leaders can attend a meeting or event.

To take the YPT, simply go to and create an account. Once registered, go under "Menu" and "My Dashboard". It will default to "My Training" and the "YPT" tab. Find the "Youth Protection Training" online course and click "Take Course". It's about 30 minutes long. Once completed, download the certificate and email to Darcie Velez so Pack 144 knows you've completed it. It's THAT simple!

Additional Training

Once YPT is done, there are other training modules that need to be completed. It is important to do all training to give yourself the education on how to run a fun and safe Cub Scout Pack. Packs who perform well and give the boys a great program, are ones with well-trained leadership. Don't short change the Pack by blowing off training...everyone suffers when that happens!

To complete further training, click on "Requirements" and you will be given a list of modules that need to be taken as per your registered position. Attached to this site is a PDF of the modules suggested in a particular order and the length of each module so you can plan your sessions. Please download and keep handy the PDF file to help you with scheduling your training. Once complete, feel free to do any other training you wish. We never discourage that!

Advanced Training

As you become a more experienced volunteer, the BSA offers more in-depth, hands-on type of training. As a Cub Scout leader, you will eventually want to take:
  • BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) and 
  • OWL (Outdoor Webelos Leader)

    These will allow you to take the boys out camping (BALOO for the entire Pack and OWL specifically for the Webelos den). These training sessions are typically offered by Council in the Fall and Spring down near Syracuse. They can either be an all day training session or overnight.

As time rolls on, and you now have a few years experience (or less if you're very excited about Scouting!), you might be interested in taking:
  • Wood Badge (a training course for Scouters which finally results in their receiving a certificate, a small neckerchief, a leather slide, and two small wooden beads on a leather thong. ... Baden-Powell designed it so that Scouters could learn, in as practical a way possible, the skills and methods of Scouting). This training traditionally is (2) three-day sessions.
  • Powderhorn (created in 1998, Powder Horn is a high adventure skills resource course for Venturing, Boy Scouting and Varsity Scouting leaders and youth age 14 and up). This training traditionally is (2) three-day sessions.
  • ITOLS (Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills training helps leaders gain confidence in their ability—through hands-on, practical application of skills and proven methods—to influence growth in positive ways to achieve the purposes of the Boy Scouts of America).

For more details of the training available, not only as a Cub Scouter, but for all BSA positions, please visit:

Icon File Name Comment  
PositionTrainedRequirementsasofMay8.pdf Cub Scout Position Trained Requirements