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Cub Scout Pack 52CheatLk
(MORGANTOWN, West Virginia)
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2019-2020 Pack Calendar

Pack Activities:  In addition to pack and den meetings, Pack 52 strives to have an active and fun calendar.  However, all events are dependent upon parent planning and involvement. We encourage all parents to participate and help us reward our young scouts!


September:   10 - Pack and Den meetings start at school.
Popcorn Fundraiser Kickoff
15 - Show n sell Lowe's at Mall 10-6pm
21 - Soapbox Derby - Avery Methodist Church 9am till ends
21 - Show n sell Lowe's at Pierpont 10-6pm
22 - Show n sell Lowe's at Mall and Pierpont 10-6pm

October: 06 - Show n sell Lowe's Pierpont 10-6pm
08 - Pack Meeting, CLES 6:30pm Webelos 1 have duties
18-20 - Pack Campout at Camp Mountaineer
19 - Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) - Camp Mountaineer 8am-noon
20 - MAC Ox Roast Camp Mountaineer 12pm-6pm
26-27 - BALOO (Basic adult leader outdoor orientation) training - Camp Mountaineer 

November:      9 - WVU Football Scout Day 12pm-4pm
11 - Veteran's Day Parade High Street, time 5:30 lineup (Usually)
12 - Pack meeting, CLES 6:30pm
*Annual canned food drive - please bring non-perishable foods to donate to local food pantry *Tigers have pack duties
*Pinewood derby kits handed out
14 - Popcorn sale pickup/distribution
December:  TBD - Morgantown Christmas Parade
10 - Pack Meeting - Pie in Face reward for Popcorn selling
*Bears have Pack duties
TBD - Caroling

January:   11 - Snow Tubing - location TBD
25 - Arrow of Light Crossover to Scouts BSA - CLES Cafeteria 2-5pm
*Webelos 1 and committee to organize for AOLs

February:   11 - Blue and Gold Banquet celebrating the birthday of Cub Scouts 6:30pm
21 - Pinewood Derby Setup 6-8pm CLES Cafeteria
22 - Pinewood Derby 12-4pm 
*Dens will be assigned snacks to bring to share 

March:          14? - MAC Pinewood Derby & Scout-O-Rama
10 - Pack Meeting CLES 6:30pm
*Wolf dens have duties

April:   14 - Pack Meeting CLES 6:30pm
*Webelos 1 have duties
      TBD - Spring Camping
May:   TBD - Conservation Project
19 - Pack Graduation, CLES 6:30pm
22 - Flag placement - WV Grafton National Cemetery
Summertime Activities:
Each summer the scouts can earn a summer time award by attending 3 pack events.

June:   Fishing Derby (free weekend in WV)
Day Camp/Resident Camp
July:           March in Morgantown's 4th of July Parade
Service Project

August:   Back to Scouting campfire with smores, skits, and more.
Service Project
Icon File Name Comment  
Pack 52 Calendar and committee info together 2019-2020.doc Pack Calendar 2019-2020  

2018-2019 Pack Calendar

Pack Activities:  In addition to pack and den meetings, Pack 52 strives to have an active and fun calendar.  However, all events are dependent upon parent planning and involvement. We encourage all parents to participate and help us reward our young scouts!


September:   4 - Informational Meeting new families
11 - Pack and Den meetings start at school.
Popcorn Fundraiser Kickoff

October: 13 - Soap Box Derby - Avery Methodist Church 10am till ends
26-28 Parent & Pal Family Fun Camping Weekend (Camp Mountaineer)

November:      Pack Meeting Annual Food Drive and or New Sock drive
4 - Roller Skating - Pack reward for selling popcorn
11 - Veteran's Day Parade High Street
December:  Morgantown Christmas Parade
Pack Meeting - Pie in Face reward for Popcorn selling

January:   Pinewood Derby

February:   Blue and Gold Banquet (Arrow of Light graduate to Boy Scouts)

March:          MAC Pinewood Derby & Scout-O-Rama

April:   Spring Camping at Camp Mountaineer
      Raingutter Regatta 
May:   Pack Graduation
Summertime Activities:
Each summer the scouts can earn a summer time award by attending 3 pack events.

June:   Fishing Derby (free weekend in WV)
Day Camp/Resident Camp

July:           March in Morgantown's 4th of July Parade

August:   11 - Bike Rodeo Marilla Skate Park
Back to Scouting campfire with smores, caramel apples, skits, and more.