The Pack Chain of Command
We want to be a “together” Pack 510
Sometimes there can be conflicts
Should the need arise, please communicate through the following channels as described in the chart.
Not following the order is disrespectful, and it is not setting a good example for our scouts.
Parent should go to the Den Leader and try to solve a problem
Den leader solves problem within the den or goes to Cubmaster
Cub Master is the Unit Leader and should solve most problems
Cub Master goes to Committee Chair if necessary.
Committee Chair Makes a decision on own without a vote from Cubmaster.
Committee Chair goes to the Pack Committee and if still not solved the Committee Chair goes to the Charter Organization Representative.
Charter Organizational Representative. Goes to the Cogioba District Executive and Chair reports back to Cubmaster.
Cub Master reports back from committee and DE with decision.
At no time will a Parent or Leader within Pack 510 call anyone from Middle Tennessee Council Headquarters without first talking with the Committee Chair and or Cubmaster. If you do not get a reply from them your next step is to contact the Pack COR.