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Pinewood Derby

Cub Scout Pack 656
(Fairfax, Virginia)
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Pinewood Derby 2019
Saturday, January 25 @ 6:30pm
Fairhill Elementary School Cafeteria

Cub Scouts Pack 656
invites you to come watch scouts race their pinewood derby cars in our annual Pinewood Derby Race. Join us to cheer on your favorite cars.

We'll have pizza, water, and baked goods for sale to feed your family (proceeds go to help offset our costs for the race).

Pack 656 is chartered by the Fairhill PTA. We thank them for their continued support in delivering fun, character-building programming to our scouts.
Our Pinewood Derby season begins in December as scouts and their families start discussing design ideas. In January they begin to cut out their designs from the wood block provided and build their own race cars. Then we race them within our Pack. The winning race car from each den will move onto the District Championship Races, held in early February.

To explore more about the Pinewood Derby Races, visit the Boy Scouts of America's official Pinewood Derby website at

Enjoyed your time with us? Want to get in on the fun and join our Pack? Contact us at