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Cub Scout Pack 510
(CLARKSVILLE, Tennessee)
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Scout Uniform Policy and Insignia


Boy Scouts of America

Uniform Policy

The Boy Scouts of America has always been a uniformed body.Its uniforms help to create a sense of belonging. They symbolize character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. Wearing the uniform gives youth and adult members a sense of identification and commitment. 

Personal equality. The Uniform represents a democratic idea of equality; bringing people of different racial, economic, religious, national, ethnic, political, and geographical backgrounds together in the scouting tradition. 

Identification. The Uniform identifies youth and adult members of the Boy Scouts of America,visible as a force for good in the community. When properly and smartly worn,the uniform can build good unit spirit. When worn on the correct occasions, itcan attract new members. 

Achievement. The uniform shows the wearer’s activity, responsibility, and achievement. What each youth or adult member has accomplished with program opportunities can be recognized by the insignia worn on the uniform. 

Personal Commitment. The Uniform is a constant reminder to all Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts,Varsity Scouts, Ventures, and adults of their commitment to the ideals and purpose of the Bot Scouts of America. The uniform encourages them to take Scouting Seriously because of the investment in uniforms by parents of youthsand by the adults. The uniform is a way of making visible members’ commitment to the belief in God, loyalty to country, and helping others at all times.


The leaders of Scouting – both volunteer and professional – promote the wearing of the correct uniform on all suitable occasions.

Cub Scouting is Color Coded

Did you hear?  Cub Scouts is now “color-coded” to make it easier for new (and possibly experienced) Cub Scouting families know which rank wears which uniform etc.  The Cub Scout colors will remain Blue and Gold and the uniform pieces will still be dark blue (or Tan & Kaki for Webelos) but with the new system the neckerchief, the hat, and the rank badge will all be the same color. Also, the newly revised Den Leader Guides and the Cub Scout Handbooks are also the same 1 color per rank.  Here is a quick rundown of the new color scheme of Cub Scouting

Adult Scouter Uniform

LION Cubs - Kindergarten

Tiger Cub Uniform


Cub Scout Uniform

Webelos Scout Uniform