Welcome to
PACK 401
TheCub Scout program is designed for boys and girls in Kindergarten through 5thgrade. The program is based on 12 core values (Scout Law) and Scouts will learnthese values in a safe, fun, positive environment. Research shows earlyinvolvement in a values-based program is vital to strong characterdevelopment.
LIONS:Kindergarten, Lion T-shirt This rank is an introduction to theScouting program. Lions are required to have an adult partner (parent,guardian, family member or friend) who is at least 18 years old. Lions will meet every week and attend all Pack adventures/activities.
TIGERS:1st Grade, Blue shirt with Orange Neckerchief Tiger cubs arerequired to have an adult partner (see Lions above) who is at least 18 years old.Tiger cubs meet every week and attend all Pack adventures/activities.
WOLVES: 2nd Grade, Blue shirt with RedNeckerchief Wolves meet every week and attend all Pack adventures/activities.
BEARS: 3rdGrade, Blue shirt with Light Blue Neckerchief Bears meet every week and attendall Pack adventures/activities.
WEBELOS: 4th Grade, Blue or Khaki shirt with PlaidNeckerchief Webelos is the beginning of the transition from Cub Scouts (adultled) to Scouts BSA (Scout led). Webelos meet every week and attend all Packadventures/activities. Webelos are also allowed to den camp.
ARROW OF LIGHT: 5th Grade, Blue or Khaki shirt with PlaidNeckerchief Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouts. It is the onlyrank that can be worn on the Scout’s uniform after they bridge to a Scouts BSAtroop. Arrow of Light meets every week and attend all Packadventures/activities. AOL Scouts should look to bridge in Feb. or March.
The uniform guide onthe next page will give parents an idea of how much a NEW uniform will cost.Pack 401 doesn’t require a full uniform all at once. You may purchase theuniform a piece at a time. Uniforms can be new or used.
Special Events
Throughout the year, there will be opportunities for Scouts toattend special events including field trips, camping, sporting events,parties, and more. Generally, the cost is usually between $1-$5 per person.However, there could be events that will cost more but we try to keep itaffordable for families.
Earning Their Way
Scouts can help earnmoney for the pack to help pay for special events, uniforms, or anything Scout-related by selling popcorn during September and October. Sales includeonline, site and individual sales. The pack receives up to 40% of the sales.This fundraiser is the ONLY fundraiser by Boy Scouts of America. The Pack canagree to hold another APPROVED fund-raiser to help raise funds.
Opportunity Funds
Boy Scouts of America believes financesshould not be a barrier to join scouts. Therefore, financial help is available.Please let one of the Pack’s leaders know if you need help.