Pack 440's
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Cub Scout Pack 440
(Houston, Texas)
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2022-2023 Fees

For a full year (typically January thru December, pro-rated for scouts joining at other times with the exception of the BSA New Scout Fee

Den Dues (annual): $45 per scout, or $4.50 a month for the 10 program months.  Den dues cover materials for den activities and snacks. 

Pack Dues (annual): $95 per scout, or $7.92 a month for the 12 program months.  Pack dues are leveraged to cover advancements, camping fees, Raingutter Regatta, Pushmobile, Blue & Gold, rental of our storage unit, leader registration, summer program, supplies for pack level activities, neckerchief, slide, and book for those advancing to the next rank amongst other things. 

BSA New Scout Fee : $25 one-time fee, covers the child for their scouting career 

BSA Re-charter Fee (annual): $75 per scout 

Individual Activity Charges: Paid on per event basis. Many of our activities are free, and most of our paid activities cover only some of the costs. 

Scouting Class A Uniforms: The initial cost for a full uniform can be daunting, but your scout will hopefully use it for years to come depending on when they are joining. The pack gives the scouts their new neckerchief and slide at the crossover to their next rank.  

Class B Shirts: For many of our events a full uniform isn’t practical, but we still want to identify as cub scouts, we encourage the scouts to wear “class B” scout t-shirts. Class B shirts are  available from the Pack for $10.  Please contact Lorraine Satterfield for more information. 

The Best News: We will participate in at least two fundraisers throughout the year. A percentage of every fundraiser goes straight to the scout’s individual account.  These funds can be used to pay for pack events as well as fund annual recharter expenses.  Some scouts have been able to completely fund their scouting via our fundraisers.