In 1930, the Boy Scouts of America created a new opportunity called Cub Scouting for boys younger than Boy Scout age. A year-round, home-centered program used by chartered organizations, Cub Scouting emphasizes involvement between boys and their parents, adult leaders, and friends. In the multidimensional plan of the Boy Scouts of America, Cub Scouting is where it all begins.
Cub Scout Pack 155 was founded in 1968 and is chartered by Zion United Methodist Church, Seaford, Virginia and has a tradition of providing a quality Cub Scouting program. Our pack is located in York County, Virginia and is 1 of 17 Packs in the Southeastern Virginia area that belongs to the Chesapeake Bay District (~500 cub scouts) of the Colonial Virginia Council.
Our regional council has 6 Districts that serve 18 Virginia cities and counties. Pack 155 is comprised of boys from Seaford Elementary school in York County. The boys meet in small groups of 5 to 10 boys called dens. Each den has an adult leader and assistant leader(s).
Den Meetings
Our dens meet weekly at Zion United Methodist Church on Sunday afternoons, from 3 to 4:30pm, though dens are allowed to make their own schedules. At least two adults are required at all meetings. This is known as two deep leadership and is a universal rule in Cub Scouting. In Pack 155, each den has a designated den leader and assistant leader(s), but in some dens the parents take turns in organizing the weekly den meetings.
Pack Meetings
Pack meetings occur during Pack events. Pack meetings are for all the boys of Pack 155. We expect at least one parent/partner to attend the pack meetings and strongly encourage the whole family to attend. When not announced differently, pack meetings are held at Zion United Methodist Church in the fellowship hall, at 6:30 pm.
There are many special events throughout the year, including family camp outs, hikes, Pinewood Derby, as well as council events like the Blue & Gold banquet, Summer Camps, etc.
Committee Meetings
The Pack Committee consists of the Pack leadership and various committee chairpersons. Our Pack Committee meets throughout the year to discuss organizational matters, future events and exchange ideas. This is where all the planning and program development takes place. All parents are welcome to attend.