Dear Pack Family,
With an abundance of caution and following the guidelines provided by BSA, the CDC, the Florida United Methodist Conference, local government, and Deer Lake UMC Protocols, we plan to begin holding meetings OUTSIDE on the church grounds for our Pack soon - we also have a plan for holding some meetings via Zoom as part of a regular rotation. As you know, news and information changes rapidly, so please understand that our Pack Policies will also change to keep our Scouts and families as safe as possible, while acknowledging that safe does not guarantee risk-free. We appreciate your patience and adherence to the "new rules" as we Scout in this new way. Scouting will look different for a while and your leaders have done their best to plan for a safe continuation of our program for all of us and we understand that some may choose to participate virtually for a while.
Please find attached to this e-mail some of the guidelines provided to us by the BSA and our Charter Organization which we used as part of our process of defining how our Pack family will gather for in-person meetings. We have also taken some guidance from the information and policies posted by Leon County Schools and members of the healthcare profession.
At this time in order to minimize exposure for the most people, we are asking that each Scout only have their Akela bring them to any in-person meetings. If any family member (Scout, Akela, Leader - ANYONE) cannot adhere to these rules for the safety of EVERYONE in our Unit, the family will be asked to leave the meeting/gathering. We will be holding Den Meetings both in-person and through Zoom on an alternating basis, both to lessen our exposure and to include those who are not comfortable with in-person gatherings of any nature.
PACK 6 Policies for In-Person Meetings
1. If any of the following apply to you, please wait to join us on campus until a later date:
a. you are not feeling well,
b. have had a fever in the last 72 hours (please be fever free without the aid of medication),
c. have a cough or shortness of breath,
d. have in the last 14 days traveled to a location of greater COVID-19 risk, have come in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, or are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test.
2. If you or an immediate family member have tested positive for COVID-19, please wait to join us until there is a negative test result or you are cleared by the health department/your healthcare professional.
3. Masks must be worn for ALL gatherings by all attendees.
4. We encourage you to bring your own seating to use in our outdoor spaces and your own water bottle.
5. Seating will be at least 6 feet apart between households and all family members will be seated together.
5. There will be no sharing of food or beverages at this time.
If after attending an in-person meeting with the Scouts, anyone in your family tests positive for COVID-19, you must immediately notify our Key 3 leadership - Rebecca Hobbs, Charter Org Rep (850-508-3847), Brittany Auclair, Committee Chair (850-559-3577), Craig Kamen, Cubmaster (850-228-7211). There are protocols that must be followed for the Church and for BSA that must be implemented immediately as we also maintain your privacy.
If you have any questions about our Pack Policy, please speak to one of the Key 3. If you are interested in taking a more active role in the leadership of the Pack, we welcome you to join us at any time at whatever level of involvement that works for you and your family.
Thank you for helping us all to continue Scouting in this new way!
Your Pack Leadership