Active Scouts: 18 Age Distribution: 5th Grade to High School Senior
Patrols- Three: Swordfish Patrol, Phantoms Patrol & Goat Patrol Founded: Our Troop was founded by Joseph Ehrmann in 1983.
Eagle Scouts: +27
Emphasis: We are an active outdoor Troop with an activity once a month including camping, indoor activities, and high adventure
Troop meetings: Every Monday Night from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at Commerce United Methodist Church. First Monday of every month is Parent Committee Meeting and Patrol Leader Meeting only
Past Activities : Canoeing Camp out, North Manitou Island High Adventure, Sleeping Bear Dunes, Troop 229 BIG Midnight Adventure, Iron Chef
Summer Camp: Mid July
Recent Service: Support for Vacation Bible School, Road Clean Up, Church beautification support
For more information Contact: Scoutmaster Chris Mohr, chrismohr@comcast.net