Pack 345's
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Cub Scout Pack 345
(Portland, Texas)
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Pack 345 chartered in 1986, celebrated it's 30th Anniversary in 2016 and continues serving the Portland Community by providing a quality Cub Scouting program for young boys and girls.  Many of our leaders were Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA.  In addition, we are very fortunate and proud to have men serving as leaders who have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

We are very happy that you have visited our website.  We hope that if you are looking for a Cub Scout Pack for your son to join, you will visit us during one of our meetings or contact one of our leaders for more information.

Where We Meet

The First Baptist Church in Portland is our Chartered Organization.  They graciously allow us to use their buildings for our den and pack meetings.

Meeting Location:

First Baptist Church in Portland
Education Building
1305 Wildcat Drive Portland, TX  78374

Den meetings are held every Tuesday evening from 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM.
Pack Parent and Leader Committee meetings are held on the first Monday of the month from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM.

Cub Scout Leaders 2018-2019

The parent volunteers who serve as leaders are dedicated to providing safe and fun activities for the scouts.  Our Cub Scout leaders are required to complete training programs provided by Boy Scouts of America.  The most important training they complete is Youth Protection Training.  They have also completed courses in the history and purposes of scouting and outdoor safety.   

Cubmaster: Matthew Armentor
Assistant Cubmaster: Ben Becak

Tiger Den Leader: Ben Becak  
Assistant Tiger Den Leader: **open**
Wolf Den 1 Leader: Jessica Domingue
Assistant Wolf Den Leader: Sarah West

Bear Den Leader: Wade Capps
Assistant Bear Den Leader:  **open**

Webelos Den 1 Leader: Gregory Joppa 
Assistant Webelos Den 1 Leader: Matthew Armentor

Webelos Girl Den Leader: Natalie Armentor
Assistant Webelos Girl Den Leader: Marta Velasquez

Arrow of Light Leader: Misty Dietz
Assistant Arrow of Light Leader: John Dietz

Pack Committee 2018-2019

The Pack Committee meets every first Monday of the month at 6:30 PM.  Meetings are held at the First Baptist Church in Portland, but sometimes we meet at a Committee Member's home or other designated location.  Parents that are interested in attending the meetings are encouraged to do so.  Please see the Events Calendar for details.

Chartered Organization Representative:  Clayton Cates (Eagle Scout)

Chairman:  Matt Sellers

Cubmaster:  Matthew Armentor

Assistant Cubmaster:  Ben Becak

Secretary:  Jack Joppa

Treasurer:  John Dietz

Awards/Advancement:  Jennifer Busam

Popcorn Sales:  

Public Relations: 

Webmaster:  John Dietz 

Pack Trainer: Natalie Armentor