Boy Scout Troop 48 of Edina, Minnesota encourages its members, ages 11 to 18, to respect other people and the outdoors, while having fun together and mutually learning the life and character skills needed for our rapidly changing world.
Troop 48 seeks to help young men prepare for adult lives that make a difference, by reinforcing in them the character qualities and leadership abilities which comprise the Boy Scout Oath, Law, Motto and Outdoor Code.
Troop 48 strives to be a boy-led troop, organized by Patrols. Its Patrol Leaders’ Council (“PLC”) adopts the following Aims to execute our Vision and Mission during the school year.
Advancement: Each Scout should advance at least one rank each school year (with new Scouts assisted to achieve the First Class rank within eighteen months of joining the Troop). We will pursue some merit badges as a group, e.g. Hiking, and provide parallel training to help newer boys master basic Scout skills. Scouts will have full opportunity to achieve the Eagle rank.
Training: We believe that skills are firmed up as older Scouts train others, backstopped by adult leaders. We insist that all Scouts possess the First Aid and CPR skills that may some day be required to save a human life. At the same time, we encourage senior scouts to seek advanced leadership skills at Council and national training camps.
Service: Service projects affirm our Oath commitment to “help other people”. We will plan and/or participate in four community service opportunities of two or more hours.
Growth: At a minimum, we will maintain the current size of our Troop, by joint activities with Edina Cub Scout Packs, den chiefing, and scouts telling our story to their friends who were not Cub Scouts.
Fundraising: Troop 48 has a constant need for funds to support its monthly outdoor activities, its equipment requirements, recruiting, etc. We will sell Scout popcorn and Holiday wreaths door-to-door, as well as help out at the Y’s Men tree lot.
Equipment: Troop 48’s camping and cooking equipment is the responsibility of all Scouts, under the direction of the Troop Quartermaster. From time to time, he will arrange sessions to inventory, clean, re-arrange the equipment and to make purchase decisions.
Outdoor Activity: The PLC intends to schedule an outdoor activity at least once each month from September to late April, with several age-appropriate summer camping trips. The Troop Parent Committee will be requested to help the PLC execute these plans, subject to weather, other unforeseen circumstances, or subsequently-scheduled school events that impact a significant number of Troop members
Communication: The PLC calendar will be provided to all Scouts and Scout parents, and posted on the Troop 48 website. The SPL, Patrol Leaders, and Scoutmaster will also periodically remind Scouts about upcoming events at Troop meetings. The Troop Committee Communications Chairperson or designee will similarly advise Scout parents by email and/or at regular Troop Committee meetings.