The Den meeting schedule and locations are listed below by rank.
Rank | Grade | Den | Meeting Day | Time | Room Number |
Lion | Kinder | Den 1 | Tuesday | 7:00-8:15 PM | tbd |
Tiger | 1st | Den 7 | Tuesday | 7:00 - 8:15 PM | tbd |
Wolf | 2nd | Den 6 | Tuesday | 7:00 - 8:15PM | tbd |
Bear | 3rd | Den 4 | Tuesday | 7:00 - 8:15 PM | tbd |
Webelos | 4th | Den 3 | Tuesday | 7:00 - 8:30 PM | tbd |
Arrow of Light | 5th | Den 2 | Tuesday | 7:00 - 8:30 PM | Scout Hut |
Leader/Committee/Parent meetings are generally held once a month on the Tuesday prior to the monthly Pack Meeting in the Kinsmen available classrooms, on the first floor at Kinsmen Lutheran Church from 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. These meetings are held to plan the activities to be done at the pack meeting, and discuss plans for campouts and other upcoming events. The Pack is run completely by the Pack Committee, which are all volunteers. No one is getting paid to do their job. They are all doing it for the children.
The Pack Committee is headed up by the Committee Chairperson. Pack Committee members, made up of the Leaders, and parents in various positions are responsible for the administrative functions and operation of the Pack, including planning, finances, record keeping, activities, advancement and more. All parents who wish to be involved are welcome to attend. There are no den meetings held on these nights. Also, the pack does not meet on school holidays, unless otherwise specified.
A map to Kinsmen Lutheran Church is below.
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Click here to view a map of the Kinsmen building.
Parking is best in the parking lot off of Champion Forest. Enter the building from the doors opposite the main church/Sanctuary.