Troop 152 has been a multi-faceted troop for many years. We have always had a lot of interest in rifle & shot gun shooting, woodworking, mechanics, rappelling, and of course camping and fishing. Basically, if the boys are interested in it, we do our best to help them make it happen. We follow the path of their interests and our destination is always the same -developing boys into capable leaders.
We want to educate the boys and help them develop proper leadership qualities. The additional traits outside the Scout Law should include dedication, perseverance, and self motivation. Scouts that join Troop 152 should desire to become better citizens and leaders.
We are dedicated to bettering our Troop and the rest of our community. Community service is a large part of our schedule, and we show the rest of the world what it means to help by setting this example. Being chartered by the VFW-Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10281 many of our service projects serve their needs.
To have a successful Troop, we should also prioritize teamwork. When part of the team has a problem, the rest of the group is there to help. We are only as strong as our weakest link, and we all take responsibility for each other's actions.
We have made a conscious decision to become better Scouts and citizens by incorporating fun with service, leadership with teamwork, and citizenship with self improvement. Scouts and families that join our Troop should understand that unity is the foundation of our Troop. Only as a strong unit can we learn from our leaders, from our fellow scouts and from ourselves.
Proper attendance and commitment is necessary for advancement. Advancement, however important, should not be the only reason for Scouting. Scouts in the Troop should expect to learn hands on, outdoors, and by being active. It also requires each scout to become self motivated and work on skills outside of meetings and events. This method of learning sets us apart from many other troops. We believe that although attaining the highest rank of Eagle is a worthy goal; the journey towards this goal itself is what is truly valuable.