Pack 907's
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About Pack 907
Uniform Information
Leader Guidance
Cub Scout Ranks

Cub Scout Pack 907
(Livonia, Michigan)
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Each boy gets to be part of a group demonstrated by their uniform, and each group has a personal sense of identity. The scout uniform is also a display case for a scout's individual accomplishments and recognitions.

Our Pack 907 provides each newly registered boy with a neckerchief and slide.  The official Cub Scout uniform shirt may be purchased at Nankin Hobby at Nine Mile and Farmington Roads, the official Scout shops in Waterford or Detroit, or online at the official website,

Patches placed on the shirt (including the District Shoulder Patch, our Pack #907, the Den Number, and the World Crest Patch) are also available at these locations.  Our Pack provides the Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelo rank patches and other awards such as Webelos pins, Whittling Chip, Leave No Trace, Progress Beads, etc. as they are earned.

Most Scouts will also want to purchase a belt, because "beltloops" may be earned for academic and sports activities.  Some boys also choose to buy an official hat, pants or shorts, and/or socks.  Fun patches are sometimes given out at activities and may be displayed on a red "brag vest", but they may also be sewed onto any kind of jacket, blanket, or even displayed in a book like baseball cards.

Each Scout should purchase a handbook for their rank, which will guide them through the year and help them keep track of their progress.

Icon File Name Comment  
ScoutCosts12-13.pdf Uniform Costs and Where to Purchase  
uniform_setup.pdf Youth Uniform  

Patch/Pin Placement

   (See attachment files above for more information and pictures of the uniform) 
Patch or Pin  Location and Info

Council Shoulder Patch 

LEFT SLEEVE: Left shoulder along seam. It identifies which Council the Scout belongs to.

 Unit Numerals

LEFT SLEEVE: Just below the bottom edge of the Council Patch. They identify the local unit (Pack or Troop) that the Scout belongs to. (This style, all one patch, is available for purchase at the Pack Meetings).
 World Crest
World Crest Patch

LEFT POCKET: Centered above pocket, leaving room for service star pines and/or knots. Indicates that the Scout is part of the World Scouting Movement. This is the only patch that is universally worn by Scouts in all nations.
 Den Number
Den Number

RIGHT SLEEVE: Below US Flag. This identifies the Den the Scout belongs to.
 Progress Toward RanksTiger Totem
Progress towards rank and Tiger Totem

RIGHT POCKET: Hung on button. Shows progress toward Wolf and Bear badges OR Tiger badge. 
Cub Ranks
Rank Patches

LEFT POCKET: Centered, in a diamond shape with Bobcat on top, Wolf on wearer's right, Bear on left, Tiger on bottom. This is appropriate for the blue uniform shirt.

Upon earning the Webelos badge and changing to a tan uniform shirt, the rank patches are replaced with the oval Webelos rank patch also centered on the LEFT POCKET:
Webelos badge

The Blue Webelos rank patch is suitable for either the tan or blue uniform shirt. Each Den may choose their preference of either blue or tan rank.  The blue Webelo rank is common in Pack 907 as not all Webelos are required to change to the tan uniform shirt.
 Arrow Points
Arrow Point Patches

LEFT POCKET, blue shirt: Sewn below either Wolf or Bear rank patch (depending on which rank they were earned for) and below the pocket. Gold is centered beneath the rank patch, silver(s) are sewn in rows of two below gold.

An arrow point is awarded for each 10 elective achievements completed after the Wolf and Bear ranks are earned, gold for the first 10 and silver for each 10 after that. Some Scouts earn many silver arrow points.
 Service Star
Service Star Pin
LEFT POCKET: Pinned above, centered (above any knots worn.) Shows number of years in Scouting. Background color indicates which branch of BSA service.

Note: This is confusing for some. Only ONE pin of a given color should be worn. A Cub Scout would only have a single Service Star pin at any given time showing how many years he has been in Scouts. When he goes to Boy Scouts, he may keep his Service Star with a yellow background and add his Boy Scout Service Star pin next to it (green background.) Adults may wear the Adult Leader pin as well as pins for years they were in Cub Scouting and/or Boy Scouting as a youth.
More information can be found here.
 Perfect Attendance
Perfect Attendance Pin

LEFT POCKET: Pinned above pocket, next to Service Star Pin. Shows commitment to Scouting through attendance. Pack 907 considers perfect attendance to be no more than one missed den meeting and one missed pack meeting. Bars are added for each year this award is earned.
 Webelos Colors
Webelos Colors

RIGHT SLEEVE: Just below the Den Number (alternately above the patrol patch.) Displays the Activity Badges that the Scout has earned. There is no particular preference or order to the pin placement.

Examples of Activity Badge pins:
 Patrol Patch
Patrol Patch

RIGHT SLEEVE: Replaces Den Number patch. This identifies the Patrol the Scout belongs to (Webelos only; optional.) 
 Webelos Compass
Webelos Compass

RIGHT POCKET: Hung on button. Shows progress in earning Activity Badges. Metal pin compass points are added for every 4 Activity Badges earned. These are placed into the three triangles next to W, E, and S in whichever order the wearer wishes.
Recruiter Patch
Recruiter Patch

RIGHT POCKET: Sewn beneath. Awarded if the Scout successfully brings a new member into the Pack.
Religious Knot
Religious Knot Patch

LEFT POCKET: Sewn centered directly above flap. Displays completion of the religious requirements for Cub Scouts.
Arrow of Light
Arrow of Light

LEFT POCKET, tan shirt: Sewn centered below pocket. This award is the only patch worn by both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, and patch placement is the same for both.

Follow Boy Scout Uniform Inspection Sheet guidelines.
 Outdoor ActivityPaw Shield
Outdoor Activity Patch and Paw Shield Pin

 RIGHT POCKET: Sewn onto flap. Paw Shield pins may be added of the award is earned again.
National Summertime Award
National Summertime Award Pin

RIGHT POCKET: Pinned to the pocket flap. Multiple awards may be worn if earned. Pinned through the Outdoor Activity award that is also earned.

Image shows the pin ring color earned at each rank.
 Whittling Chip
Whittling Chip Patch

RIGHT POCKET temporary patch: May be worn centered on the right pocket. (Although it appears pocket flap shaped, it is not worn on the flap, but on the pocket itself.)

Recommended: Place on red vest.
World Conservation
World Conservation Patch

RIGHT POCKET temporary patch: Shows consideration of the environment. Optionally worn centered on right pocket as a temporary patch.

S&A Pin
Sports & Academics Pin (example)

Temporary and/or Optional Items as described below are typically worn on the red vest unless noted otherwise.

Sports and Academics Pins: NOT worn on the uniform. They are pinned to the C patch on the red vest:

All other pins and patches awarded for events such as camp, popcorn sale, etc. are considered temporary and most suited to display on the red vest. If in doubt, check with the Cubmaster.
 Trained Patch
Trained Patch

LEFT SLEEVE: Sewn below position patch. Shows completion of basic training for adult leaders, patrol leader, Den Chiefs, etc. On the newer style shirt that has a pocket on the left sleeve, the patch is sewn on the pocket flap.
 Quality Unit
Quality Unit Patch
RIGHT SLEEVE: 4" below flag patch. Shows membership in a unit that is fulfilling goals and running efficiently. Only the current year's award may be worn, so this patch is typically replaced each year.