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Boy Scout Troop 2877
(Chester, Virginia)
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Troop Position Descriptions 
General Responsibilities of all Troop Committee Members
Troop Committee Chair 
Troop Committee Secretary 
Troop Treasurer 
Advancement Chair 
Merit Badge Coordinator 
Life-to-Eagle Scout Coordinator 
Awards Chair 
Troop Dinner Coordinator 
Publicity/Communications Coordinator 
Scout Expo Coordinator 
Fund Raiser Coordinator 
Friends of Scouting Coordinator 
Membership Chair 
Summer Camp Coordinator 
Adult Award and Training Coordinator 
Chartered Organization Representative 
Transportation Coordinator 
Webelos-to-Scout Transition Coordinator 
Assistant Scoutmaster - Equipment and Facilities 
Assistant Scoutmaster-High Adventure 
Assistant Scoutmaster-Outdoor Program 
Assistant Scoutmaster-Program 
Assistant Scoutmaster-New Scout Patrol 
Assistant Scoutmaster - Patrol Support 
First Aid/Medical Coordinator 
Troop Website Coordinator 
New Scout Parent Coordinator

General Responsibilities of all Troop Committee Members

Ensures that quality leadership is recruited and trained. In the event the Scoutmaster is absent, a qualified assistant Scoutmaster is assigned. If the Scoutmaster is unable to serve, a replacement is recruited.

Provides adequate meeting facilities.

Advises the Scoutmaster on policies relating to Boy Scouting and the chartered organization.

Supports leaders in carrying out the program.

Is responsible for finances, adequate funds, and disbursements in line with the approved budget.

Obtains, maintains, and properly cares for troop property.

Ensures the troop has an outdoor program (minimum 10 days and nights per year).

Serves on boards of review and supports courts of honor.

Supports the Scoutmaster in working with individual boys and problems that may affect the overall troop program.

Provides for the special needs and assistance some boys may require.

Helps with the Friends of Scouting campaign.

Assists the Scoutmaster with handling boy behavior problems.

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Troop Committee Chair

Organize the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed.

Maintain a close relationship with the chartered organization representative and the Scoutmaster.

Interpret national and local policies to the troop.

Prepare troop committee meeting agendas.

Call, preside over, and promote attendance at the monthly troop committee meetings and any special meetings that may be called.

Ensure troop representation at monthly roundtables.

Secure top-notched, trained leadership for camp leadership.

Arrange for charter review and recharter annually including Quality Unit application.

Plan the charter presentation with the unit commissioner and charter organization representative.  

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Troop Committee Secretary

Keep minutes of meetings and publish committee meeting notices.

Prepare parent/leader information and make available to support the program.

At each committee meeting, report the minutes of the previous meetings.

Help maintain the troop website, specifically with adult/leader information.

Report to the troop committee at each meeting.  

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Troop Treasurer

Handle all troop funds. Pay bills on recommendation of the Scoutmaster and the authorization of the troop committee.

Maintain checking and savings accounts.

Supervise money-earning projects in coordination with fund raising coordinator. Insure proper authorization is secured prior to the onset of money-earning projects.

Supervise the camp savings plan.

Lead in the preparation of the annual troop budget.

Lead the Friends of Scouting campaign.

Ensure membership application for NESA is submitted to the National Boy Scout Office after verification of a Scout obtaining his Eagle Scout award.

Prepare the final checks to support the annual rechartering process.

Report to the troop committee at each meeting the status of the troop's finances.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Advancement Chair

Encourage Scouts to advance in rank.

Work with the troop scribe to maintain all Scout advancement records.

Arrange troop boards of review as needed to support the advancement of the Scouts.

Arrange quarterly troop courts of honor. Coordinate the program, awards, and ceremonies with the Scoutmaster and troop committee.

Coordinate with the troop merit badge coordinator the troop and district list of merit badge counselors.

Submit reports promptly after boards of review to the council service center to insure timely maintenance of council records.

Purchase and maintain stock of awards and recognitions needed to support the troop advancement program.

Work with the Life-to-Eagle Coordinator to insure Life Scout records are in order to support their advancement to Eagle Scout.

Report to the troop committee monthly.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Merit Badge Coordinator

Develop and maintain a current list of qualified leaders to serve as merit badge counselors for the troop. Insure that proper registration paperwork is submitted to the district and council offices.

Provide the advancement chair and the Scoutmaster a list of counselors to use when working with the Scouts.

Work with the troop librarian to maintain an adequate supply of required and the most frequently used Merit Badge books are available to the troop.

Work with the Scoutmaster, patrol leaders council, and troop committee to coordinate at least one merit badge program to be offered monthly.

Report to the troop committee monthly.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Life-to-Eagle Scout Coordinator Meet on a-as-needed basis with Eagle Scout candidates prior to them initiating their Eagle Scout project. This meeting should serve as an idea gathering/planning session to start the Scout working on his project.

Publicize and encourage attendance by all Life Scouts to the district Life-to-EagleConference.

Review with Eagle Scout candidates their proposal for their project prior to them meeting with the troop committee and the district Eagle Scout board representative.

Help Life Scouts plan their merit badge advancement to accomplish that portion of their advancement on time.

Review the Eagle Scout candidate's final package including his application and project write-up prior to submission to the board of review.

Prepare and request letters of recommendation for each Eagle Scout candidate.

Work with Eagle Scout candidate, Scoutmaster and the Scout's family to plan and organize the Eagle Court of Honor.

Work with the committee chair to ensure letters of recognition are requested and the treasurer to insure the application for NESA membership is made.

Report to the troop committee at each meeting.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Awards Chair

Coordinate the purchase of all awards, certificates and recognitions with the advancement chair.

Coordinate with the Scoutmaster and the troop committee chair the program for the quarterly troop court of honor.

Prepare and duplicate program handout for courts of honor.

Coordinate with Eagle Scout candidates the program for their ceremony.

Report to the troop committee at each meeting.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Troop Dinner Coordinator

Organize the annual troop dinner in March for Scouts, parents, families, and guests.

Insure the menu, decorations and set-up is coordinated for the March dinner.

Coordinate refreshments for courts of honor and other special functions.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Publicity Communications Coordinator

Work with the troop scribe and the troop webmaster in maintaining the troop website.

Report to the troop committee at each meeting.

Work with the troop committee to publicize troop activities, including Courts of Honor, Open houses, Money earning projects, School Night for Scouting and all other activities the troop participates in that its members or the community should know about.

District Troop Expo Coordinator  

Submit application to council for participation at the Scout Expo.

Assist in the acquiring of the equipment and materials required for the project.

Establish deadlines for the patrol leaders council for participation at the expo.

Notify the transportation coordinator of needs for transporting Scouts, leaders and equipment.

Organize Scout participation and adult supervision for the Expo.

Organize the breakdown and disposition of the project at the conclusion of the Expo.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Fund Raiser Coordinator

Identify appropriate fund raising activities with the support of the troop committee and the patrol leaders council that meet the needs of the troop.

Secure the necessary approvals to proceed with the project.

Develop and organize the various steps of the project and publish to those involved.

Publicize to the troop and the community the specifics of the money-earning project.

Report to the troop committee at each meeting.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Friends of Scouting Coordinator

Attend district/council Friends of Scouting training.

Develop a goal for the troop' Friends of Scouting campaign.

Recruit and train additional adults to help in the campaign.

Turn in monies collected according to the scheduled district collection schedule.

Report to the committee and the troop the progress of the campaign.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Membership Chair

Plan, organize and lead annual troop rechartering process.

Insure the Quality Unit Award paperwork is completed and submitted in coordination with the recharter process.

Coordinate membership committee attendance at all troop meetings to handle the application of new Scouts.

Work with the new Scout facilitator and the Webelos Scout coordinator to insure all possible venues for building the troop's roles are properly managed.

Report to the troop committee at each meeting.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Summer Camp Coordinator

Research NCAC and other council camps in preparation for going to summer camp.

Present information on camp(s) to be considered for selection in summer camp planning to the patrol leaders council and the troop committee.

Once camp is selected, prepare publicity sheet for families containing: dates, name and address of camp, cost and payment schedule, date for camping meeting.

Obtain and distribute medical and other camp forms.

Work with the troop committee chair in recruiting and preparing adult leadership for camp.

Organize transportation based on needs.

Develop with treasurer a record keeping process for summer camp payments.

Report to the troop committee at each meeting.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page


Provide a spiritual tone for troop meetings and activities.

Give guidance to the chaplain aide.

Promote regular participation of each member in the activities of the religious organization of his choice.

Visit homes of Scouts in time of sickness or need.

Give spiritual counseling service when needed or requested.

Encourage Boy Scouts to earn their appropriate religious emblems. Coordinate with local places of worship and Scouts training in their religious training program.

Assist in the development of the annual Scout Sunday program.

Complete the paperwork annually for the Bishop's Award if Merit.

Report to the troop committee at each meeting.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Adult Award and Training Coordinator

Ensure troop leaders and committee members have opportunities for training.

Maintain an up-to-date inventory of the unit's training status and future needs Scouters may need.

Maintain an up-to-date inventory of the unit's awards Scouters have earned, are working towards, and are eligible to receive.

Work with the district training team to schedule Fats Start training for all new leaders.

Be responsible for BSA Youth Protection training within the troop.

Encourage semi-annual junior leader training within the troop and at the council and national levels.

Report to the troop committee at each meeting.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Chartered Organization Representative

Is a member of the chartered organization.

Serves as head of "Scouting department" in the organization.

Secures a troop committee chair and encourages training.

Maintains a close liaison with the troop committee chair.

Help recruits other adult members.

Serves as liaison between the troop and the chartered organization.

Assists with unit rechartering.

Encourages service to the organization.

Is an active and involved member of the district committee.

Attends troop committee meetings at least quarterly.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Transportation Coordinator

Organizes and the maintains the troop transportation roster containing a current list of qualified adult drivers, vehicle and insurance information, number of seats with seat belts, phone number.

Organize transportation for troop equipment and personnel for all Scout functions.

Coordinate the completion of the Local or National Tour Permit for all outings.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page

Webelos-to-Scout Transition Coordinator

Work with area Webelos Dens and Cub Packs to keep them informed of the Troop's activities. Organize joint activities between the troop and Webelos dens.

Coordinate recruiting activities of Webelos for the troop. Work with the Scoutmaster and Scouts to encourage Webelos to become Scouts with Troop 187.

Recruit competent Scouts to serve at Den Chiefs for Webelos and Cub Scout dens.

Organize troop representation at Webelos crossover ceremonies.

Coordinate troop Back-to-School participation in the Fall. Coordinate Spring troop open house.

Plus General Responsibilities / Return to Top of Page


Train and guide boy leaders to run THEIR troop.

Participate in all available training available.

Work with and through the Assistant Scoutmasters and the troop committee to give the best Scouting program to the boys.

Help boys to grow and mature by encouraging them to learn for themselves, through the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.

Meet regularly with the patrol leaders' council for training and coordination in planning troop activities.

Attend all troop meetings or, when necessary, arrange for a qualified adult substitute.

Attend troop committee meetings.

Attend roundtables and training sessions.

Take part in annual roll call and uniform inspection, charter review, and charter presentation.

Conduct Scoutmaster Conferences for advancement and as needed.

Participate in council and district activities.

Make it possible for all Scouts to experience at least 10 days and nights of camping each year.

Build a strong program by using proven methods presented in Scouting literature and training.

Conduct all activities under qualified leadership, safe conditions, and the policies of the chartered organization and the Boys Scouts of America.

Supervise troop leadership and Order of the Arrow elections.

Provide a systematic recruiting plan for new members and see that they are promptly registered.

Delegate responsibility to other adults and groups so they have a real part in the troop operation.

Assistant Scoutmaster - Equipment and Facilities

Participate in all available training available.

Help boys to grow and mature by encouraging them to learn for themselves, through the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.

Attend troop meetings.

Attend troop committee meetings.

Build a strong program by using proven methods presented in Scouting literature and training.

Conduct all activities under qualified leadership, safe conditions, and the policies of the chartered organization and the Boys Scouts of America.

Work with the troop quartermaster and the patrol quartermasters to maintain the troop's equipment.

Work with the troop quartermaster to maintain records of troop equipment.

Make recommendations to the troop committee on equipment replacement needs.

Train and develop the Instructors' Corp for the troop.

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Assistant Scoutmaster - High Adventure

Participate in all available training available.

Help boys to grow and mature by encouraging them to learn for themselves, through the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.

Meet regularly with the patrol leaders' council for training and coordination in planning troop high adventure activities.

Attend troop meetings.

Attend troop committee meetings.

Participate in council and district activities.

Research and present high adventure program ideas and present them to the patrol leaders' council and senior Scouts.

Build a strong program by using proven methods presented in Scouting literature and training.

Conduct all activities under qualified leadership, safe conditions, and the policies of the chartered organization and the Boys Scouts of America.

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Assistant Scoutmaster - Outdoor Program  

Participate in all available training available.

Help boys to grow and mature by encouraging them to learn for themselves, through the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.

Meet regularly with the patrol leaders' council for training and coordination in planning troop activities.

Attend troop meetings. or

Attend troop committee meetings.

Participate in council and district activities.

Make it possible for all Scouts to experience at least 10 days and nights of camping each year.

Conduct all activities under qualified leadership, safe conditions, and the policies of the chartered organization and the Boys Scouts of America.

Coordinate the planning and organizing of troop outings with Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, patrol leaders' council.

Maintain Camping Log and apply for National Camping Award in coordination with advancement chair.

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Assistant Scoutmaster - Program  

Participate in all available training available.

Work with and through the Assistant Scoutmasters and the troop committee to give the best Scouting program to the boys.

Help boys to grow and mature by encouraging them to learn for themselves, through the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.

Meet regularly with the patrol leaders' council for training and coordination in planning troop meetings and activities.

Coach patrol leaders' council into a balance program filled with fun, activities, leadership development, and advancement.

Attend troop meetings.

Attend troop committee meetings.

Attend roundtables and training sessions.

Participate in council and district activities.

Conduct all activities under qualified leadership, safe conditions, and the policies of the chartered organization and the Boys Scouts of America.

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Assistant Scoutmaster - New Scout Patrol

Participate in all available training available.

Help boys to grow and mature by encouraging them to learn for themselves, through the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.

Meet weekly with new Scout patrols to help them transition from Webelos or no Scouting experience to the troop operation.

Attend troop meetings.

Attend troop committee meetings.

Participate in council and district activities.

Make it possible for all Scouts to experience at least 10 days and nights of camping each year.

Conduct all activities under qualified leadership, safe conditions, and the policies of the chartered organization and the Boys Scouts of America.

Support the recruitment of new Scouts to be members of the patrol.

Communicate regularly with parents of new Scouts to keep them aware of the transition their son is going through in becoming a Scout.

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Assistant Scoutmaster - Patrol Support

Train and guide boy leaders to run THEIR patrol/troop.

Participate in all available training available.

Help boys to grow and mature by encouraging them to learn for themselves, through the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.

Meet regularly with the patrol leader for training and coordination in planning the patrol's activities and meetings.

Attend troop meetings.

Attend troop committee meetings.

Encourage all Scouts to experience at least 10 days and nights of camping each year.

Build a strong program by using proven methods presented in Scouting literature and training.

Conduct all activities under qualified leadership, safe conditions, and the policies of the chartered organization and the Boys Scouts of America.

Coach and counsel Scouts to work on their own advancement and growth.

Encourage patrol members to recruit new members and see that they are registered.

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First Aid Medical Coordinator

Collect and maintain medical forms for all Scouts and adult leaders that are active in Scouting activities.

Provide outing leaders with medicals for those Scouts attending that activity.

Insure troop first aid kit is stocked and organized.

Maintain the troop medical log.

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Troop Website Coordinator

Overall maintainance of  troop web site.  Training of other Troop Leaders in how to send troop emails, use event calendering, and enable online registration system.

Training and oversight of youth Webmaster, whose role is maintenance of Troop's Facebook Page.

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New Scout Parent Coordinator

Serve as an envoy between the troop and the parents of new / visiting Scouts.

Alert Scoutmaster to new or visiting Scouts to ensure they are properly welcomed into the program.

Prepare new members packages and provide them to parents of new / visiting Scouts.

Support the recruitment process for new members.

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