Hello! Venturing, what is it? Venturing is a program of the Boy Scouts of America for the 14-21 year old (or 13 and completed the 8th grade) young adults. It is a co-ed program. It is completely youth run. Venturing crews enjoy a variety of activities and interests. This crew has done long backpacking treks, cooking/baking, shooting sports, kayaking, white water rafting, and camping. It is limited only to the youth's imagination and involvement. If the youth are interested rank advancement and recognition, that can be earned as well.
Crew 186 meets the second Monday of the month at the First Presbyterian Church in Newark. Kathy Mabie is the Advisor. She can reached at 510-565-2827. Our current officers are: Dominic C., President, Jaycie T, and Jayson D., Vice Presidents, Michael C., Secretary, Ryan D., Treasurer.
Come and visit and join the fun!