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Boy Scout Troop 323
(New Prague, Minnesota)
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Training Basics

Have you ever wondered exactly what they meant when whoever recruited you said, "Don't worry...we train you!" ?  This link is a terrific tool to find what you need...what you want....and where you can get it (on-line or in person).

On-line Training is the go-to place for on-line training opportunities.
You can do Youth Protection, Fast Start and several supplemental courses.

Advancement Videocast Library--Online

Advancement Videocast Library Now Available Online
PowerPoint has become the method of choice for “seeing” a presentation nowadays. No matter how well written the script or presenter’s notes, presentation quality can vary greatly from presenter to presenter. Meanwhile, audio files have become an increasingly popular way for “hearing” a presentation or a book in the car while driving. Over this past year a team of volunteers set out to answer a simple question: Wouldn’t it be great if we could economically combine the visual impact of PowerPoint with a well-delivered audio message? The team began experimenting with voice-over scripts that could not only be keyed to PowerPoint slides, but that could be conversational rather than sound as if a reader were using a script. The experiments were taped, coordinated with the slides, and converted to movie format. The result was a fun and engaging experience. Realizing the potential this format had for becoming a powerful yet economical teaching tool, the team next set out to develop a videocast for each section of the Guide to Advancement and the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook.

Their efforts produced nine exceptionally helpful videocasts that are now posted on the advancement resources Web page:

Look for “Advancement Educational Presentations.” Each presentation can be downloaded or viewed directly via a link to YouTube: 
• Introduction to the Guide to Advancement (10 minutes)
• Judgment Calls (24 minutes; covering the “active,” position of responsibility, and Scout spirit requirements, and also “reasonable expectations”)
• The Merit Badge Program (17minutes)
• Boards of Review (15 minutes)
• Boards of Review Under Disputed Circumstances (6 minutes)
• Board of Review Appeals (4 minutes)
• The Eagle Scout Service Project (17 minutes)
• The Eagle Scout Application Process (8 minutes)
• Eagle Scout Boards of Review (4 minutes)