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Cub Scout Pack 1
(Somers, New York)
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How to join Somers Pack 1

How old (or young) can a child be to join Cub Scouting?

Cub Scouting is for kids in the Kindergarten  through fifth grades, or 5 to 10 years of age. Kids who are older than 10, or who have completed the fifth grade, can no longer join Cub Scouting, but they may be eligible to join the Boy Scouting or Venturing program.



No matter what age or grade a Child joins Cub Scouting, they must earn their Bobcat badge before theycan advance to the rank of Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear, or Webelos. A child must complete the Bobcat requirements, which include:

§  Learn and say the Cub Scout motto, the Cub Scout Promise, and the Law of the Pack and tell what they mean;

§  Show the Cub Scout sign, salute, and hand shake and tell what they mean; and

§  Show that you understand and believe that it is important to be honest and trustworthy.



To begin the path to the Lion/Tiger rank, the Tiger  (age 5) K/1st grade. Must learn the Cub Scout promise, the Cub Scout sign, and the Cub Scout salute. When they have learned these,  your child will receive their Tiger Cub emblem, which is a tiger paw with four strings for beads. They wears the emblem on his right pocket.



The Wolf rank is for kids who have finished first grade (or who are 8 years old).To earn the Wolf badge, a child must pass 12 achievements. His parent or guardian approves each achievement by signing the scouts book. When the child has met all requirements, the Wolf badge is presented to his parent or guardian at the next pack meeting. During an impressive ceremony, the parent or guardian then presents the badge to the Scout.



The Bear rank is for kids who have finished second grade (or are 9 years old). There are 24 Bear achievements in four groups. A Scout must complete 12 of the achievements to be a Bear Cub Scout. These requirements are harder and more challenging than those for the Wolf badge. When a Scout has earned the Bear badge, they may work on electives to earn Arrow Points to wear under their Bear badge.



Webelos dens are for Scouts who have completed third grade (or reached age 10). The Webelos den program is different from the Cub Scout den program. Everything in the Webelos Scout program is more challenging than what younger Scouts in the pack do. Webelos Scouts get to work on the 20 Webelos activity badges.


Arrow of Light

The highest rank in Cub Scouting is the Arrow of Light Award. Earning this rank prepares a Webelos Scout to become a Boy Scout. Webelos Scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light Award have also completed all requirements for the Boy Scout badge.

Somers Pack 1 serves the community of Somers New York.

If you have questions about Somers Pack 1 or would like a Youth Application to join, please send an email to our Cub Master Dontae Duran at the following address