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Boy Scout Troop 51
(Lexington, Illinois)
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Bike Trip to Comlara

Hi Scouts!  We will need to check our bikes over and get any repairs done prior to our Departure.

Here are a few items to make sure are good to go.
1.  Tire Pressure - Make sure you have your tires at the right Inflation LBS.
2.  Brakes,  Try them out now, not when you may really need them!
3.  Helmets, Make sure they fit and remember to bring them on the trip!
4.  Comfortable Seat.  This will be a long ride!
5.  Basic Operation,  Make sure everything works, and you have all reflectors, chain guards, shift levers.
6.  Make Sure your chains are well lubricated, they tend to dry out a bit in the idle winter.  (WD40 Will Work - So will Marvel Mystery Oil)

Recent and Upcoming Events

Needs updating currently

* We will update as we can.

Aluminum Can Events & Food Drive
March 5 - Aluminum Can Collection @ Across from Shake Shack
April 9 - Aluminum Can Ca$h Out
June 18 - Aluminum Can Collection (tentative)
August 13 - Aluminum Can Ca$h Out
September 24 - Aluminum Can Collection
November 19 - Aluminum Can Collection


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