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Boy Scout Troop 51
(Lexington, Illinois)
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Campout Confirmation / Commitment Slips

Please note you need to fill in departure date, times and emergency contacts.

Icon File Name Comment  
TROOP 51 - Commitment Form Revised 11-2011.pdf  
TROOP 51 Commitment Form Revised 11-2011.doc  

Medical Forms

The Latest and Greatest Medical Form for Scout Events!

Icon File Name Comment  
Class_1_And_2_Medical_Form.pdf Ingersoll Summer Camp Medical Form  
Medical-Form-136145.pdf 2015 Ingersoll Summer Camp Medical Form (preferred)  
Troop 51 - Annual_BSA_Health_&_Medical_Record.pdf  

Adult Personal Data Forms

All Adults are asked to complete this form.

Icon File Name Comment  
Troop 51 - Adult_Personal_Data_Draft.xls  
Troop 51 - Merit_Badge_Counselor_Information.pdf  

Vehicle Inspection Form

Please complete 1 for each vehicle that you may use to transport boys to/from Scouting events.

Icon File Name Comment  
Troop 51 - Annual_Vehicle_Checklist_txt.rtf  

First Class in First Year Program


To help the newer Scout acclimate from an adult-run WEBELOS program into the "organized chaos" of a Boy Scout troop, we maintain a higher adult presence with them to guide them through the first 3 ranks of "safe" Scouting.

We follow a "First Class in the First Year" agenda (see attached document).  If a scout is motivated, he can reach the 1st Class rank in the first year, though many will need 18 months or more.  Inconsistent attendance at weekly troop meetings, camping trips, and not practicing skills (first aid, knots, etc) at home are some things that may hinder his progress through the ranks.  Getting his requirements "signed off" is much different in Boy Scouting as it was as a Cub or WEBELOS.  As a Boy Scout, he is expected to SHOW PROFICIENCY in these skills before getting "signed off".    If he cannot demonstrate the skills consistently, he will need to practice.

Icon File Name Comment  
Troop 51 - First_Class_in_12-18_MOnths.doc  

What is "being active in your troop"?

For the Star, Life, and Eagle ranks, the scouts are required to be "active" in the troop and serve in some type of leadership capacity.  

Being active "enough" to get credit towards rank is a very hard thing to measure.  Some troops insist on 80% or 75% attendance at all events.  Some BSA resources ( insist that "active" is nothing more than being registered and having your annual dues paid.   But a FAIR and REASONABLE definition of "active" or "leader" is found somewhere in the middle.

The March-April 2012 edition of Scouting Magazine did a 1 page article that offers the best answer.  This is the guideline we will follow.    It recognizes that several worthwhile organizations/activities for boys are found outside of Scouting, and that it is unreasonable to expect 100% attendance at all functions.  However, the fact also remains that the PURPOSE of being "active" in Scouting is so the program can have an impact on you, and you can have an impact on the Program and your fellow scouts.  Therefore, a REASONABLE amount of participation and attendance is incumbent upon you. 

Those in Leadership positions have a unique responsibility.  People are actually counting on you to do your "job" and provide leadership (in some capacity) to the Troop in general.  Therefore, the Scoutmaster will clarify these expectations with you when you have attained a position of leadership.  You may also ask him any time you are unsure or confused as to whether or not you're fulfilling the obligations of your position.   

See the attached document for clarity on this issue.

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Icon File Name Comment  
PLC - Roles and Responsibilities.pdf  
PLC - Roles and Responsibilities.pdf