Pack 281's
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Pack 281 Contacts

Cub Scout Pack 281
(Katy, Texas)
ScoutLander Contact Our Pack Member Login

What Every Parent Should Know About Our Pack

One of the toughest decisions a parent must make is what activities will be best for the growth and development their children. Scouting is a balance of activities.  Some activities the scout must complete on their own with the support of their parent.  Other activities take place in the scout's den and some activities are done with the entire pack. Pack 281 is part of the Sam Houston Area Council (SHAC).

Find out why you should consider Cub Scouts (click here)!

What is a Pack versus a Den?
Council = A group of Packs.
Pack = A group of Dens.
Den = A group of single gender 5-10 scouts of the same grade.

How can I juggle sports and scouting?
It's hard for a parent or child to have to choose between sports and scouting. The leaders of Pack 281 understand this (since we are all parents too!) and run a flexible program to allow your child time to do both.  Our leaders are also careful to plan events which include everyone in your family. 

What will my child(ren) and family get out of scouting?
Our Scouting program builds physical, emotional, and intellectual skills your children will apply for the rest of their lives.  Scouts learn team work, problem-solving, physical development, social responsibility, character development, truth, honor, commitment to family and country, and responsibility to learn to care for themselves and others. 

What if I can't make every meeting and how flexible is scouting?
Pack 281's leaders work hard to plan a schedule that will allow our scouts to be in sports and still fulfill their scout program.  Our leaders will make every opportunity for you child to complete the tasks necessary to advance through the cub scout ranks.  We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback to make our scout program, your scout program.

We meet monthly to provide you with updates on upcoming events, activities, and Pack updates.

See you at the meetings!