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Cub Scout Pack 100
(Kirkersville, Ohio)
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What is Day Camp?

Cub Scout Day Camp ideally encourages participation of den and pack leaders to strengthen packs so their boys benefit and grow with a good outdoor experience. The Camp is an outdoor experience where Cub Scouts participate in individual and team sports, games, crafts, explore nature and work on achievements, electives and badges. Boys have fun in the outdoors -- that’s Cub Scout Day Camp.

The Cub Scout Day Camp program is designed to teach skills and develop attitudes that make a boy more self-reliant and more at home in the outdoors. He will have FUN with a purpose. The purpose is to build character while providing a memorable experience in the life of a boy. Make sure your boys get Cub Scouting at its best by attending Cub Scout Day Camp.

All Cub Scouts -- from this year’s Tiger Cubs to Webelos Scouts -- are encouraged to attend. Day Camp is usually the first camping experience for a Scout. Boys attend Day Camp and return home each day. There is no overnight camping. Scouts participate in outdoor activities centered around a camping theme.

Day Camp is a program of the Simon Kenton Council, Boy Scouts of America and is made available through each of the Council’s Districts. It meets the standards of the National Council, BSA and camps are inspected annually to assure you of a high quality, successful camping experience.

Day Camps are conducted in numerous locations across the council. They are held in parks, school grounds, camps, fairgrounds, and other outdoor settings, conveniently located near your neighborhood or community. Day Camp is the “camp that comes to the boy.”

Your scout can go to Day Camp for Free!!! Ask your Popcorn Kernel how!!!