Charter Representative: Scott Myers
- Represents the Irwin Moose, which is our Charter Organization.
Cubmaster: William Bouldin, Sr
- Recruits, supervises, directs, plans, and motivates other leaders.
- Supervises the recruiting of new scouts.
- Leads the monthly pack meeting.
- Works directly with the Den Leaders, Den Chiefs, Committee Chair and members to make sure that all dens are functioning well.
- Maintains the scouting program.
Assistant Cubmasters:
- Helps the Cubmaster carry out his responsibilities.
- Supervises the pack in the Cubmaster's absence.
Committee Chair: Angelo Houston, Sr
- Presides at monthly pack committee meetings and supervises committee operations.
- Conducts the annual pack program planning conference.
- Prepares the annual re-charter application.
- Files tour plans with the council.
- Maintains communication with the charter organization.
- Registers new scouts and adult leaders.
- Records committee meeting minutes.
- Creates pack newsletters.
- Maintains pack inventory list.
- Updates Scoutlander.
Treasurer: Leslie Bouldin
- Supervises pack budget plan.
- Maintains the pack account.
- Tracks scout accounts.
- Disburses funds as needed.
Fundraising Chair:
- Manages all fundraising activities other than the popcorn sale.
- Completes council required paperwork for all money-making activities.
- Coordinates with the Committee Chair and Charter Representative.
Advancements Chair: Leslie Bouldin
- Submits advancements to council.
- Purchases advancements for pack meetings.
- Verifies advancement records of all boys.
Camping Coordinator: Leslie Bouldin
- Attends camp organizing meetings as set by Westmoreland-Fayette Council for Camp Buck Run
- Assists in sign-up and booking for Day Camp and Family Camp.
- Assists the Committee Chair in preparing paperwork and health forms for camp.
- Assists the Treasurer in collection of fees.
Training Coordinator:
- Verifies that adult leaders in the Pack have completed required training.
- Keeps up-to-date on upcoming training opportunities from council.
Popcorn Chair:
- Attends council kick-off meeting.
- Distributes sales materials.
- Collects and turns in orders.
- Distributes the popcorn.
- Assists the Treasurer with money collection.
Arrow of Light Den Leader: Leslie Bouldin
Webelos Den Leader: Chris Precopi
Bear Den Leader:
Wolf Den Leader:
Tiger Den Leader:
Lion Den Leader: