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Cub Scout Pack 1703
(Troy, Michigan)
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What is Cub Scouting?

Cub Scouting is a school year program uniquely designed to meet the needs of young boys and their parents. The program offers fun and challenging activities that promote character development and physical fitness. Service projects, ceremonies, games, and other activities guide boys through the core values and give them a sense of personal achievement. Through positive peer group interaction and parental guidance, boys also learn honesty, bravery, and respect. Family involvement is an essential part of Cub Scouting and parents are encouraged to play an active role in the program. This family-and community-centered approach to learning means that Cub Scouting is truly time well spent.

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is one of the nation's largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. For over a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes — and, through over a century of experience, knows — that helping youth is a key to building a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society. 

Visit the BSA website for more information on Cub Scouting:, and also please also read the "Cub Scout Parent Information Guide" below.

Icon File Name Comment  
Cub Scout Parent Information Guide.pdf Cub Scout Parent Information Guide  

Scouting at Leonard Elementary School

The Pack 1703 Leadership is committed to making Cub Scouting at Leonard both relevant and accomodating to today's lifestyle.  The Pack is sponsored by the Leonard PTO and is entirely self funded.  The official Executive Officer of the Pack is the Principal of the school.  Pack enrollment in any given year varies between 20 to 50 boys.   The Pack is run by volunteer leader parents.  The Pack Committee, consisting of the Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Committee Chair, Treasurer and other committee members, makes policy decisions and provides the overall coordination and planning for the entire Pack.  Each Den (or grade level) is run by a Den Leader.  Most Pack meetings are held at Leonard Elementary while most Den meetings occur elsewhere, typically the Den Leader's residence, with at least one parent or legal guardian present with their scout at all times.  The entire family of the Cub Scout is welcome at all Pack meetings.

The Pack consists of 5 Dens, one for each grade, each of which have an advancement level:  First Grade, Tiger Cubs; Second Grade, Wolves; Third Grade, Bears;  Fourth Grade, Webelos I; and Fifth Grade, Webelos II.

The Methods of Scouting

The Ideals - Cub Scout Promise, Law of the Pack, Sign, Handshake and more

The Den - Belonging to a group (a den is composed of boys in the same grade level)

Emphasis on Education - Hands on learning that complements school learning, explore nature and the environment, academic programs, and traditonal scouting activities

Advancement - Recognition for personal achievement and the earning of badges, patches and pins

Family Involvement - Whoever the Scout calls his family is his family in our Pack.  The parent or legal guardian attends pack meetings, den meetings and activites with the Scout.

Activities - Games, projects, outdoor activities, trips and special events

Home and Neighborhood Centered

The Uniform - Helps build pride, loyalty and self respect