The minimal age for joining Cub Scouts is 7 yrs old or 6 yrs old and in first grade. He can also join at any time up until the beginning of the 5th grade. Boys are organized into dens based upon their age/ grade in school. Dens meet typically about three times a month to work on activities in order to achieve a scout rank. Together, the dens comprise a pack which also meets once a month or so and has various activities and events.
Scouting builds character, teaches core values, and challenges youth through participation in a variety of fun activities with others scouts and the family. There is emphasis on citizenship, social and conservation activities, outdoor activities, skills development and crafts. We encourage you to explore websites that provide a wealth of information on cub scouting and describe the values and the program.
Scouting emphasizes parent interaction in various capacities. In addition to working in dens and as a pack, you will work one-on-one with you son on various achievements and activities. There are a variety of achievements in various areas to stimulate interest, such as the Cub Scout Academics and Sports Program which helps your soon earn belt loops and pins for many different subjects and sports. To some degree, you will get out of scouting what you and your son put in. We all lead busy lives, balancing our activities with our child's or children's activities. Attendance is not required at all activities and we have scouts who successfully balance other activities such as sports with scouting. However, some missed achievement/ activities will need to be completed with the parents for advancement and to earn certain awards.
Scouting also emphasizes activities that include the family. All the members of the family are invited and encouraged to attend activities such as pack meetings, parties, campfires, etc. Other activities like Scout Day Camp and overnight camping at a Scout Camp are generally limited to parent(s) and scouts. The pack has a full program from September to May and a summer program with a monthly activity from June to August. Please visit our Pack Activities page that describes some of the activities we did last year as a pack. Dens will also plan other activities to help achieve a specific rank or requirement.
To provide a successful program, we need parent involvement in pack and den activities. We realize that with work demands scheduling is sometimes an issue. However, there are activities that can be performed that are not schedule dependent.