Pack 3310's
Home Page
Cubmaster Minute
Registration Info

Cub Scout Pack 3310
(Lafayette, Indiana)
ScoutLander Contact Our Pack Member Login

How to Join Cub Scouts

Please feel free to contact Elizabeth or Kelli for more information at the contact address above.

New Scout Dues: $65
Dues for 2014-15:
Existing Scouts: $55
Webelos II:  $27

All Scouts need to:
- fill out and sign an youth application
- fill out and sign the health form
- read and sign the by-laws
- pay-dues

All Adult Leaders need to:
- Fill out and sign an adult application
- Complete Youth Protection training on-line at

Frequently Asked Questions:
How old do you have to be to join Cub Scouts?
Cub Scouts is for boys in 1st through 5th grade or 6-11 years of age.

How often do Cub Scouts meet?
Cub scouts meet in their dens usually once a week.  The Pack meeting is held for all Cub Scouts and their families once a month.  Our Pack meetings are held on Monday evenings.  The den meetings nights vary upon the den.

What are Pack and Den Meetings?
Pack Meeting are once a month with everyone in grades 1-5.  Den Meeting are your grade level meetings.  There are usually 5-12 kids in each den.  Tiger Parents are required to stay at Pack and Den Meetings.

What are Dues and who gets the money?
They are pro-rated depending on when you join the pack.  Dues are $55.  for January 2014 - December 2014.  Sagamore Council gets $27.00.  Our Pack gets the rest which is for the Derby Car and Pack Dues.  New Scouts also are provided a Pack Neckerchief.

Where do I get my uniform and book?
Uniforms, literature, and other Scouting merchandise is available at your local Scout Shops (Aardvark Furniture SR 26E), and other licensed distributors.

What do I need to buy?
 - a shirt
- badges - Sagamore council patch, pack number (3310), and the World Crest
- current ranks neckerchief slide
- belt required for belt loop awards
- hat - optional
- current ranks book
- neckerchief will be provided by the Pack
Icon File Name Comment  
adultapplication.pdf Adult Application  
Cub Scout Pack 3310 Information.pdf Cub Scout Pack 3310 Information  
Medical form.pdf Medical Form  
Needy Scout Form 2009.pdf Needy Scout Form  
pack 3310 by-laws 2.pdf Pack By-laws  
youth - spanish.pdf Youth Application - Spanish  
youthapplication.pdf Youth Application