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Cub Scout Pack 276
(Peoria, Arizona)
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Uniform Guidelines

The uniform is an essential component of Cub Scouting, and are to be worn with pride at all scouting functions, unless the activity uniform (Pack T-shirt) has been approved by your CUbmaster or Den Leader). Uniforms are to be kept clean and tidy. Shirttails are to be kept tucked in at all times (Note: Some women’s shirts that are made to be un-tucked are ok).

Pack 276 has two approved uniforms for each member of the pack; class "A" and "B".  Class A uniforms are used during pack and den meetings and when representing Pack 276.  Class B uniforms can be wore when approved by the Cubmaster or Den Leader. In either case, a scout should always present a neat appearance. Scouts may substitute the BSA pants/shorts with dark blue or blue jeans. NO plaid, sports shorts, camouflage or sweats are to be worn with your uniform. We thrive for a clean, sharp, uniform look.

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Cub Uniforms

Cub Uniform

Lion scouts who are kindergartners. 

I just want to make some uniform things clear. The Lion slide, neckerchief and NEW 2018 handbook look like these below.

The neckerchief is the same color as the wolf neckerchief, be sure to get the correct one. Also, as Lions, each pack has the option to wear the Lion t-shirt OR to get the blue Cub Scout button up shirt. Our Pack has decided to go with the official blue button up. You are welcome to purchase the t-shirt, but please know that to be in uniform your scout will need the button up.

Below are the uniforms for Tiger, Wolf, Bear & Webelos.

Please note all Webelos are to be in the tan uniform, regardless if they are a 1st year Webelos (4th grade) or the 2nd year Arrow of Light (5th grade). Get it big so they may wear it for a few more years, it is the same uniform as they will wear when they cross over to a Scout Troop.

The handbook covers should like like those below. 


  • Neckerchief - Rank Specific
  • Slide - Rank Specific
  • Blue Cub Scout Shirt (Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear
    •  World Crest Patch
    • American Flag Patch - included on shirt
    • Den Number Strip
    • Grand Canyon Council Patch
    • "276" Unit Number Patches
  • Blue Belt
  • Rank Specific Scout Hat (optional)
  • Blue BSA shorts or pants are recommended 

Patch Placement

Icon File Name Comment  
Guide to Cub Scout Patch Insignia placement.pdf Full Guide to Cub Scout Patch & Insignia placement