Pack 350 is Powered by Popcorn!
Welcome to Pack 350's big popcorn fundraiser for 2015- 2016! Last year, our pack sold over $6700 worth of popcorn, which contributed over $2500 directly to our account. This money was split between the scouts and the pack.
For each $1 that our boys sell, our Pack gets to keep 37 cents! These funds go directly into our account to pay for badges, patches, outings, events, entertainment, and supplies. In addition, our scouts also gets a percentage of the sales to help pay for dues, camping and to help defray other expenses. Overall, 70% of the proceeds from popcorn sales goes back into the scouting program.
There are three ways to sell popcorn.
1. Order Form: Popcorn Packets with Order Form are available Use this form to sell to friends, family, co-workers and neighbors door-to-door.
2. Show and Sales: Boys will have an opportunity to spend an afternoon in front of a local stores (Lowes, Family Video) selling to shoppers as they finish their shopping.
3. Online Sales: Orders can be placed online, and directly linked to individual Scouts. Popcorn Kernel, Jennifer Barker will set up accounts for each Scout, and invitation link will be sent to Scouts email addresses.
Popcorn order forms:
Starting NOW, all our scouts are encouraged to begin selling popcorn to neighbors, friends, family and anyone else they may think of. Any checks should be made out to "Pack 350" and collecting money up front is preferred.
All filled out popcorn order forms and money collected will be due at the Pack meeting on October 16th.
Store sales:
The dates and locations for the store sales this year are listed below:
at St. Anne’s Church after masses – September 5th and 6th
Saturday September 5th - 4:30 to 5:30pm
Sunday September 6th 8:30 to 9:30 am
Sunday September 6th 10:30 to 11:30am
Sunday September 6th 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Sunday September 6th 6:30pm to 7:30pm
At Lowes on Baptist Road
Saturday Sept 12th from 10 am to 12 pm.
At Duffy’s Pop and Beer
Sunday Sept 13th from 12 pm to 2 pm.
at Family Video – (Rt. 88 in Bethel Park Hill Crest Shopping center)
Friday Sept 18th 6-8 pm
Friday Sept 25th 6-8 pm
at Duffy’s Pop and Beer
Saturday September 26th from 11 am to 1 pm
At Busy Beaver
Sunday September 27th from 12pm to 2 pm
Locations for October TBD.
If your son would like to participate in the store sales, please send an e-mail to Jennifer Barker ( with the dates and times that your son is available. Please let us know ASAP since we will fill the spots on a first come, first served basis. Each boy gets $$ credit toward their ISA account based on the number of hours worked. At the end of all the show & sells an hourly rate is figured out so the boys all get an even hourly rate. This way if a boy works a sale that doesn't do as well as another sale he's not punished because of the lack of customer response. Scouts are encouraged to sign up for as many show and sales as possible.
Popcorn delivery:
Plan on picking up your son's order in November 7th : Time and place TBA. When you receive your popcorn, you will be given your son's original order form.
Fabulous prizes!
What the boys are waiting for! Popcorn prizes and patches are expected to be handed out at the December Pack Meeting. This year: there are many prizes for different selling levels. Your son can pick whatever prize he wants from the level he has reached in sales. There are also separate incentive programs as well.
If your son sales $200.00 in popcorn by September 30th he has the opportunity to participate in a day of Shooting Sports activities at Camp Guyasuta!
If you have any questions, please contact our Popcorn Chair:
Jennifer Barker- email: tel:724-518-0624
Thank you for your efforts and support of your Cub Scout Pack 350!