Troop 264's
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Boy Scout Troop 264
(Keller, Texas)
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4-3-2-1 Plan

The Scout Leaders of Troop 264 are dedicated to providing a fun program for our scouts. It is through the help of our Assistant Scoutmasters, Committee Members, and parents that we are able to accomplish this goal. Without all of our volunteers, we would not have a successful Troop.

Troop 264 has a very active leadership, dedicated to the character development of each boy. Active parent participation is essential to ensure success of the Troop.  We are always interested in finding adults willing to take on the commitment of volunteering and encourage anyone interested in taking this step to talk to the Committee Chairman or Scoutmaster. However, for the adults who are interested in seeing our Troop continue to be as successful as it is, but are not able to fill one of these Assistant Scoutmaster roles, the Troop has developed a simple plan to help you help us.

4-3-2-1 PLAN

Find 4 (or more) ways to help teach a Merit Badge that you are interested in and can help assist to deliver the curriculum.  The more you are involved with your son’s Troop the more he will get out from his time in Scouting.  You will only be asked to help a scout complete this merit badge on an as needed basis and you will teach only what is required.

Take part in 3 Board of Reviews (BOR’s) usually held once a month on the first and third Monday of every month.  By helping with a BOR, you help the Troop and Assistant Scoutmasters Troop meeting.

Participate and be a driver of at least 2 campouts.  The Troop is required by the BSA to provide at the minimum 2 adults (two-deep leadership) and to meet this goal we need the help of every parent involved.  If there are not enough adults, we may cancel the campout.

Help with 1 of the major events during the year.  Every major event that the Troop  puts on requires a good deal of planning and support, as well as fresh ideas to keep the scouts interested and entertained. Some examples of areas the Troop can always use help in:

·         Court of Honor (Bake Sale / Cooking / Set up)

·         Assisting with organizing a Summer Campout

·         Assisting with a fundraising activity

·         Assisting with a service project

·         Assisting with a Merit Badge activity