Pack 700's
Home Page
Pack Committee
Scout Alumni
New Parent
Bobcat Trail
Den 1 - Lion (K)
Den 2 - Tiger (1st)
Den 3 - Wolf (2nd)
Den 4 - Bear (3rd)
Den 5 - Webelos (4th
Den 6 - A.O.L. (5th)

Cub Scout Pack 700
(Summerville, South Carolina)
ScoutLander Contact Our Pack Member Login

Pack Committee Assignments


Jennifer Hudson - Committee Chair

Matt Briggs*  - Cubmaster

                      - New Member Coordinator*, camping


Judee Brandt - Advancement Chair

Heather Suen - activities and popcorn kernal (fundraising chair)

Micah Hudson - Assistant Council Commissioner for Venturing *, Unit Commissioner for Pack 700, Leave No Trace trainer, Supernova mentor/counselor

Den Leaders

Lion: Parent based

Tiger Den Leader: Parent based until a parent steps up to be den leader

Wolf Den Leader:  Jennifer Elkins

Bear Den Leader:  Page Hamm * 

Webelos I Den Leader: Micah Hudson / Scott Brage

Webelos II Den Leader: Chris Buffington *

*denotes a volunteer's primary role

To be a leader in Pack 700, you must be a parent/guardian of an active youth member as well as submit an application, background check, pay national dues to BSA and take all mandated training for the position and youth protection training.

If you would like to be a part of our committee, please see our committee chair or cubmaster to discuss coming to one of our meetings and completing an adult application.
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Our past leaders

Our unit has been blessed to have some of the best youth leaders in our district and council.  Many are still helping BSA locally and throughout the United States.

Cub Masters
Matthew Briggs (current)
Kimberly Coughlin 
Hunter Lawrimore 
Jeff Olive
Troy Bennage-2 years   
Micah Hudson-5 years
Will Green-3 years
Larry Betz               
Gregory Pittman   
Shawn Mason         
 Den Leaders

Carolina Lawrimore
Kimberly Coughlin
Jon Cripe
Cory Sidlo
Chris Metts
Ben Watrous
John Burke
Rebecca Lester
Stephanie Dudley
Robert Dudley Sr
Micah Hudson
Mike Brown