Cub Scouting, especially scouting in Pack 3449 is a parent volunteer run organization. There's no paid staff. Our parents make the Pack Go and Grow!
So, what's involved in helping make the Pack go? Lots of little things! A whole bunch of information is attached in the Fast Start Guide PDF. Lets summarize:
The Pack is made up of a Committee and Leaders.
The Leaders are the ones you're familiar with:
- Lion Den Leader
- Tiger Den Leader
- Wolf Den Leader
- Bear Den Leader
- Webelos I Den Leader
- Webelos II Den Leader
- The Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster
They provide the day to day and monthly programs for your scouts. They interact every week with the kids and make the program fun!
The Committee works behind the scenes. We call our Committee our ScoutParents, because it's just parents figuring out fun things for the Scouts to do. Some of the jobs in the Committee include:
- Pack Committee Chairman
- Pack Secretary
- Pack Treasurer
- Program Chair
- Advancement Chair
- Pack Trainer
- Public Relations Chair
- Camping Coordinator
- Web Master
- Pinewood Derby Member
- Popcorn Kernel
- Blue & Gold Banquet Chair
- Fishing Derby Chair
- Day Camp Coordinator
- Hospitality Chair
Soaring Eagle District has monthly Scouting Resource Forums held on the first Thursday of each month (except July) at 7pm at the
Jewish Community Center. The Scouting Resource Forum is an open opportunity for Den Leaders, parents and all other volunteers to gather, share ideas, receive training and learn about what happening and what's coming up.
Heart of America Council has an annual '
University of Scouting' training day where you can take classes on everything from games for the kids to budget planning! A Day of Learning, Fellowship and Fun! Be sure to talk to your leadership about signing up for University of Scouting!
**How do I become a Leader?
**I want to help, but I don't want to be a uniformed Leader. Can I still help?
*Register yourself a free account.
*Take Youth Protection Training (found in the e-learning section)
*Take Den Leader Specific Training(s)/position-specific training(s).
*Make 2 copies of each certificate of completion, one for your records, one for the Pack's.
*After verification, you may either be an approved Leader (parent helper) or volunteer for a Uniformed Leader Position!
*Youth Protection Training: New leaders are required to take Youth Protection Training within 30 days of registering and before volunteer service with youth begins. Youth Protection Training must be completed every two years to remain current.
*Fast Start Training: An orientation training for your volunteer position you can take to get you started before Position-Specific is available.
*Leader Position-Specific Training: The main course necessary to be considered “trained” for your Scouting position. See the training page of for “What Makes a Trained Leader.” Please Note: The instructor-led version of Position-Specific is the preferred method of training in the BSA. Self-Study such as these e-learning courses are only for those who cannot otherwise attend a training course.