Patrols are the building blocks of a Boy Scout troop. A patrol is a smaller
group of boys. Working
together as a team, patrol members share the responsibility for the patrol's
success. They gain confidence by serving in positions of patrol leadership.
All patrol members enjoy the friendship, sense of belonging, and achievements
of the patrol and of each of its members.
“Training boy leaders to run their troop is the Scoutmaster’s most
important job. Train Scouts to do a job, then let them do it. Never do
anything a boy can do.”
Sir Robert Baden-Powell (also quoted on page one of Troop Leaders Training, 2010 printing)
“Your Scoutmaster and other adult leaders will help Scouts become
good leaders, then will step back and allow the troop’s youth leaders to
take charge of planning and carrying out activities.”
Boy Scout Handbook 2011 printing page 34 under the heading of ‘Your Troop’
“An important goal of boy scouting is that troops are scout-planned and scout-led.”
The Patrol Leaders Handbook, 2011 printing, page 48 under ‘The patrol leader’s council’
“Empowering boys to be leaders is the core of Scouting. Scouts learn
by doing, and what they do is lead their patrols and their troop. The
boys themselves develop a troop’s program, then take responsibility for
figuring out how they will achieve their goals.”
Scoutmaster’s Handbook 2008 printing Chapter 3 ‘The Boy Lead Troop’
“Scouts in the positions of leadership run their patrols and troop.”
Troop Leader Training 2010 printing page 2
“The troop is actually run by its youth leaders. With the guidance of
the Scoutmaster and assistants, they plan the program, conduct troop
meetings, and provide leadership among their peers.”
Troop Committee Guidebook 2010 printing page 11 ‘The Troop’s Youth Leaders’
“Boy Scouts in positions of leadership run the troop.”
Introduction to Leadership 2011 printing page 1
“The patrol leaders council is responsible for planning and
conducting the troop’s activities. … They plan the program, conduct
troop meetings, and provide leadership among their peers.”
Troop committee training syllabus 2002 printing page 16