Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Document Introduction
1.2 Troop Introduction
2. Information for Boys
2.1 Joining the Troop
2.2 Troop Joining Fees
2.3 Uniforms
2.3.1 Philosophy of Uniforms
2.3.2 Uniform Description
2.3.3 Uniform Inspection
2.4 Advancement
2.4.1 Philosophy of Advancement
2.4.2 Ranks
2.4.3 Attendance
2.4.4 New Scout Patrols
2.4.5 Merit Badges
2.4.6 Scout Spirit
2.4.7 Scoutmaster’s Conference
2.4.8 Individual Scout Goals
2.4.9 Board of Review
2.4.10 Court of Honor
2.4.11 Religious Awards
2.4.12 Order of the Arrow
2.5 Behavior and Self Control
2.5.1 Philosophy of Behavior
2.5.2 Troop Discipline
2.5.3 Language
2.5.4 Electronic Devices
2.5.5 Horseplay
2.5.6 Hazing and Bullying
2.5.7 Drug and Alcohol Abuse
2.6 Care of Equipment and Facilities
2.6.1 Philosophy of Equipment and Facility Use
2.6.2 History
2.6.3 Issuance of Equipment
2.6.4 Replacement of Equipment
2.7 Elections
2.7.1 Philosophy of Elections
2.7.2 Timing and Frequency of Elections
2.7.3 Appointed Positions
2.7.4 Term of Office
2.7.5 Rank Requirement
2.7.6 Election Procedures
2.7.7 Junior Leaders Training
2.7.8 Removal from Office
Table of Contents
2.8 High Adventure
2.8.1 Description of High Adventure
2.8.2 Safety
2.8.3 Participation in High Adventure
2.9 Older Scout Patrol
3. Information for Families and Adults
3.1 Troop Organization
3.1.1 Philosophy of Troop Organization
3.1.2 Charter Organization
3.1.3 Troop Committee
3.1.4 Scoutmaster
3.1.5 Assistant Scoutmasters
3.1.6 Registration of Adults
3.1.7 Youth Leaders
3.1.8 Patrol Leaders Council
3.1.9 Adult and Family Participation
3.2 Troop Finances
3.2.1 Philosophy of Troop Finances
3.2.2 Payment of Annual Dues
3.2.3 Payment of Activity Fees
3.2.4 Refunds for No-Shows
3.3 Financial Aid
3.3.1 Philosophy of Financial Aid
3.3.2 Scout Accounts
3.3.3 Camperships (Financial Aid)
3.4 Safety
3.4.1 Philosophy of Safety
3.4.2 Permission Slips
3.4.3 Transportation
3.4.4 Use of Cutting Tools and Fire
3.4.5 Youth Protection
3.4.6 Prescription
4. Amendments
4.1 Amending this Document
This document is a summary of current practices, both administrative and operational, of Boy Scout Troop 352. It is meant to be a living document, that is, as the Troop grows and changes, this document must change too. The document is meant to be an outline of Troop policies and an informational summary for Scouts and Parents. Some individual items, and the document as a whole, have been approved by the Troop Committee. It may be amended as outlined in the “Amending This Document” in section 4.1.
The Troop, as presently chartered, was first registered in 1953. We are currently chartered by the Highline United Methodist Church. Weekly troop meetings are on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM downstairs in the church hall. The Patrol Leaders Council meeting and the Parent Meeting are held first Wednesday evening of the month at 7:00 PM in the church hall. Troop Committee Meetings are held quarterly or more often if needed. The Troop Committee also attends the monthly Troop Parent Meetings.
One weekend each month is set aside for Troop camping, except for one or two months per year. Each summer, Scouts are given the opportunity to attend a long-term summer camp either at a Boy Scout camp.
The Troop subscribes fully to all rules and regulations of the Chief Seattle Council and the National Boy Scouts, especially the two-deep leadership rule for all activities.
Youth wishing to join our Troop and who meet the eligibility requirements on the Boy Scout Membership Application are welcome to join and will receive a Troop 352 Joining Packet. The eligibility requirements are:
· Must between 11 and 18 years old, or have completed the fifth grade, or have earned the Arrow of Light.
· Boys are encouraged to come to a Scout meeting before they join.
Boys meeting these requirements should present a completed application for membership to the Scoutmaster, along with any required fees. They must then demonstrate ability to complete the joining requirements as outlined in the Boy Scout Handbook. Scouts transferring from other Troops must also present a completed and signed (by the previous Scoutmaster or designee) official Youth Transfer Form either at the time they join, or shortly thereafter. This record keeping is very important as the Scout advances toward Eagle.
Troop 352 collects a joining fee of $27.00 plus annual National Dues at the time of initial registration. These National Dues are to be paid annually in October for the next year. See section 3.2.2.
In addition to annual dues, other costs for the program are outing expenses such as food, lodging and transportation. Summer Camp is a large annual expense for families which the troop tries to help subsidize through fund raising. Uniforms are a requirement of this troop after 90 days and are required for attendance at summer camp. Also, your scout may need some personal camping equipment, such as sleeping bag, personal back pack, etc. The Troop does own some supplies that patrols can use on outings.
Scouts who commit to attending any particular activity will not be given a refund for any expenses incurred for them. This includes food money for Scouts who find they cannot attend a campout after food or other fees have been paid.
The troop conducts fund raising activities which may be applied to troop fees and outings as discussed under section 3.2.
2.3.1 Philosophy of Uniforms
The Boy Scouts of America has always been a uniformed body. There are many reasons for this, but one reason stands out above all the rest. We wear the uniform because it is a means of identifying ourselves openly with the principles to which we are committed- character development, citizenship training, and physical and mental fitness.
We stand together, not alone, in encouraging others to live by these same principles. Boys and adults should take pride in belonging to such a movement and wear the uniform as it is intended.
2.3.2 Uniform Description
The appropriate uniform for weekly meetings is the Class A uniform, including the khaki Boy Scout shirt, troop neckerchief (first one supplied by troop), shorts or pants, belt, and socks. Boy Scout caps are part of the official uniform and may be worn to the meeting but should not be worn inside the building. As a cost-saving measure for new Scout families for the first 90 days an official uniform is not required. Scouts up to First Class may substitute neat and clean like color (green) civilian pants and socks. Once a Scout reaches First Class he should obtain the complete uniform.
For some events a Class B uniform may be substituted. A Class B uniform means that a Boy Scout T-shirt, Troop T-shirt, or Boy Scout Activity Shirt may be substituted for the khaki shirt. Nothing less than a Class B uniform should be worn to any Boy Scout activity. Full Class A’s should be worn when traveling to and during formal events such as Courts of Honor, public events, and Scout Shows.
The troop has a T-shirt that is green in color and has a Troop 352 logo on it. This is considered a Class B uniform and is intended to be worn at events such as Summer Camp, Winter Camp and maintenance on church property and other appropriate events
2.3.3 Uniform Inspection
A Troop Uniform Inspection will be conducted at least annually by the Senior Patrol Leader, Scouts and adult leaders should wear the uniform proudly and properly. Several BSA publications including the Boy Scout Handbook on the front and back covers describe the proper uniform and placement of emblems.
2.4.1 Philosophy of Advancement
Advancement in rank is the unit of measurement used by the Boy Scout Program to measure a boy’s progress in developing personal skills. It is the policy of Troop 352 to follow to the letter the spirit of each requirement for advancement. Boy Scouts have been successfully using this program since 1910.
2.4.2 Ranks
The progression of ranks is as follows: Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle. New Scouts should try to reach First Class within one year after joining. Scouts who work hard at their first summer camp and who take advantage of first year troop activities can reach first class within several months
2.4.3 Attendance
The Boy Scouts of America do not have attendance requirements to maintain membership in Scouting. However, youth should attend every weekly meeting possible. At almost every weekly meeting there will be opportunities for advancement, announcements, newsletters, or other distributions of information that are important to the Scouts. If a Scout is not able to attend a meeting, it is his responsibility to find out any information that was missed. While the troop attempts to keep all scout families informed through e-mails and monthly parent meetings, the Troop cannot be responsible for disseminating information to all non-attending Scouts.
2.4.4 New Scout Patrols
Depending upon the number of new Scouts recruited by the Troop in a given year, new Scouts may either have their own Patrol or may be integrated into existing Patrols. In either case it will be the responsibility of the Troop Guide(s), with help from adult advisors, to provide opportunities to the new Scouts to fulfill the requirements to reach First Class. Troop Guides and Scouts First Class and above may sign off on requirements for new Scouts under their charge. Skill classes and demonstrations should be planned for each weekly meeting and weekend campout.
2.4.5 Merit Badges
Advancement through the upper ranks (Star, Life, and Eagle) depends mostly on earning merit badges. Merit badges should be seen as an opportunity to explore future career opportunities and to learn about new subjects. Throughout most of the year, the Troop will offer opportunities for Scouts to make progress on merit badges during weekly meetings. Summer Camp is a Scout’s greatest opportunity to earn several merit badges quickly. Scouts may also work in small groups with a Merit Badge Counselor apart from normally scheduled meetings. Typically there will be requirements that the Scout must complete on his own or with his family. Generally a Scout should finish a merit badge within six months of the time he started it. This does not apply to merit badges (such as Hiking) which by their nature require a long time to finish. However, these badges should be completed on time, as determined by the Merit Badge Counselor. All merit badges must be completed no later than a scout’s 18th birthday.
To start a merit badge, the Scout must first speak with the Scoutmaster who will determine whether the boy is ready to start the badge and if there is an available Merit Badge Counselor. If the Scoutmaster approves, he will present the Scout a signed Merit Badge Application that the Scout will then present to the Merit Badge Counselor. In practice, the Scout should also get pre-approval from the Merit Badge Counselor to ensure that he or she is willing to teach the badge. BSA states that a Merit Badge Counselor may not add or subtract to any requirements for a merit badge and that they must follow to the letter the spirit of each requirement. To advance, Scouts should be sure to take advantage of merit badge classes offered by the troop and in summer camp. Some classes will only be offered occasionally so a Scout’s advancement towards Eagle could be delayed if he fails to earn a badge when he has the opportunity.
2.4.6 Scout Spirit
The most important requirement for each rank is the one which states "Demonstrate Scout Spirit by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law in your everyday life." This requirement may only be signed off during the Scoutmaster Conference after all other requirements are completed. The Scoutmaster (or the Assistant Scoutmaster who performs the Conference), or the members of the Board of Review may delay a Scout's advancement by requiring him to more fully demonstrate Scout Spirit.
2.4.7 Scoutmaster's Conference
Scoutmaster's Conferences should be scheduled soon after a Scout completes all the requirements for a rank. However, it is the Scout's responsibility to make sure that the Scoutmaster knows the Scout is ready for review.
During the Scoutmaster's Conference the Scout will not be tested on the requirements for his rank. Rather, he will discuss his goals with the Scoutmaster; will have a chance to speak individually with the Scoutmaster about his advancement and about the Troop. The Scoutmaster will help the Scout accept his responsibility for his growth in Scouting and in helping the Troop grow in Scouting. The conference should be conducted where the Scout and the Scoutmaster can have a private conversation but where they are in plain sight of others in fulfillment of the two-deep leadership and the buddy system policies.
2.4.8 Individual Scout Goals
It is the policy of Troop 352 that each Scout should set goals to earn any rank above Scout. The goals should cover three areas: Scouting, Family, and School. As the Scout progresses through the ranks, the goals should increase in quantity and quality. The Troop encourages youth to keep these goals in a three ring binder through his entire Scouting career. When the Scout schedules his Scoutmaster's Conference, he will be reminded about setting goals and how detailed they should be.
2.4.9 Board of Review
After a Scout has successfully completed his Scoutmaster's Conference, he should notify the SPL that a Board of Review needs to be scheduled. The SPL will notify either the Advancement Chair or the Committee Chair, who will schedule the Board of Review. A Board of Review should consist of either, the Advancement Chair or the Committee Chair (as the Board Chair), plus other Committee members, and qualified adults as the Board Chair decides. During a Board of Review, a Scout may be asked to demonstrate his knowledge of skills regarding any rank up to the one for which he is being reviewed. He must wear his full Class A uniform and must have his Boy Scout Handbook and his goals. When the Board passes the Scout, he must show the Advancement Chair his Handbook. If available, he will receive his rank patch at the same meeting.
2.4.10 Court of Honor
Troop 352 presently holds three Courts of Honor per year, typically February, June and September. At Courts of Honor, Scouts will be presented with the certificates of rank and merit badges that they have earned since the last Court of Honor. These certificates are the most important record of a Scout's advancement. Keep them in a safe place -- they are the proof of your achievements and you may need them when you qualify for the Eagle rank.
2.4.11 Religious Awards
While all religious awards are presented by the faiths themselves and not by BSA, belief in a God is required to be a Scout. Each week a Scout promises to "Do his duty to God" and recites that "A Scout is Reverent". Scouts are encouraged to earn the award presented by their faith. A nondenominational service will be an integral part of each weekend campout. The service will be prepared by the Chaplains Aide under the guidance of the Troop Chaplain or Scoutmaster.
If you are not affiliated with a particular religion or denomination, the Troop Charter Organization is willing to help any Scout earn a religious award. Information about this program may be obtained from the Scouting Coordinator.
2.4.12 Order of the Arrow
Order of the Arrow (OA) is an honor camping society within the Boy Scouts of America. Troop 352 supports this order and holds OA elections when the troop is qualified to hold an election according to OA rules.
2.5. 1 Philosophy of Behavior
The most important thing a boy can learn in Scouting is to live by the Scout Law: A SCOUT IS TRUSTWORTHY, LOYAL, HELPFUL, FRIENDLY, COURTEOUS, KIND, OBEDIENT, CHEERFUL, THRIFTY, BRAVE, CLEAN, AND REVERENT. If a boy learns the meaning and practice of these qualities, his experience in Scouting will have been successful, regardless of the final rank he achieves.
2.5.2 Troop Discipline
Troop 352 expects Scouts to live by the Scout Law. Failure to do so may result in "quiet time" for a Scout, may result in his being excused from a group instruction, and may result in a Scoutmaster Conference with the parents. On a Scout outing, if a Scout cannot live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law, the adult leaders present may agree to ask his parents to come and take him home. Corporal punishment is never allowed within the Boy Scout program for any child, even your own.
2.5.3 Language
Habitual cursing is an indication of an unclean mind and an irreverent heart. The Scout Law states that a Scout is Clean and Reverent. Instances of serious abuse of language will result in a Scoutmaster conference with the parents.
2.5.4 Electronic Devices
Small electronic devices phones and electronic games may be permitted on Scout outings. However, these devices are only to be used while traveling to or from an event. The Troop reserves the right to restrict the use of any electronic device for certain events. The permission slip for an event will indicate if electronic devices will be prohibited. Also, some camping facilities prohibit the use of electronic devices. The Troop waives any and all responsibility for electronic devices brought on a trip.
2.5.5 Horseplay
Due to the likelihood of personal injury, no horseplay, rough housing, wrestling, or rough or unwanted physical contact of any kind will be permitted during Scout events. Any observed horseplay or concerns should be brought to the attention of the adult in charge and the Scoutmaster as soon as practical.
2.5.6 Hazing and Bullying
Corporal punishment, hazing and bullying are not permitted. Any observed hazing, bullying or inappropriate behavior should be brought to the attention of the adult in charge and the Scoutmaster as soon as practical.
Parents and unit leaders must work together to solve discipline problems.
2.5.7 Drug Abuse and Alcohol
Use of any non-prescribed mind altering or addictive substances is inconsistent with Scouting. One of the goals of Scouting is to give boys the knowledge and self-confidence to be able to resist any desire or pressure to partake in substance abuse.
Use of all tobacco products by Scouts at all Troop events is strictly prohibited. Use of tobacco by adults is strongly discouraged and should only be done outside the view of Scouts. Possession or use of alcohol is strictly prohibited by all persons, youth and adults, attending Scouting events. Possession of or use of any illegal or non-prescribed substances will result in a Scout or adult being banned from the activity. Parents will be notified of any infractions of these rules by youth.
2.6. 1 Philosophy of Equipment and Facility Use
While the Troop knows and accepts that all equipment goes through a normal wear-and-tear process, we expect Scouts and adults to treat the Troop equipment with respect and to care for it as if it were their own. Any facility that the Troop is using should be treated with the utmost care. Improper use of facilities may cause the Troop to be denied further use of those facilities. A Boy Scout always returns an item or leaves a place better than it was when he arrived.
2.6.2 History
This Troop began in November, 1953 with no money and no equipment. A Boy Scout Troop requires a fair amount of camping and outdoor related equipment to operate. Through much hard work, generosity, and sweat the Troop has acquired a considerable inventory of tents, lanterns, patrol boxes, tarps, cooking equipment, a trailer, and storage space.
2.6.3 Issuance of Equipment
The Troop Quartermaster will issue equipment to each Patrol for each campout and will keep a record of his assignments. Each piece of equipment should be returned to the Quartermaster in the same state it was issued. If, at the end of the campout, equipment is clean and dry it may be returned at that point. If it is wet, dirty, or damaged, it will be taken home by the Scout to whom it was issued and should be returned in good condition at the next weekly meeting.
2.6.4 Replacement of Equipment
Scouts or Patrols who damage equipment through negligence, horseplay, or mischief may be required to replace it.
2.7.1 Philosophy of Elections
Boy Scout Troops thrive when they are led by the Scouts themselves. Scouts select their youth leaders in regularly scheduled elections. Following are the procedures to be followed for Troop 352 elections.
2.7.2 Timing and Frequency of Elections
Troop elections for Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) and Patrol Leaders (PL) shall be held twice a year.
2.7.3 Appointed Positions
Appointed positions shall rotate in sequence with elected positions. Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leaders shall be appointed by the SPL and PL respectively, after private consultation with the Scoutmaster and his Assistants. Other appointed positions shall also be selected by the SPL in consultation with the Scoutmaster.
2.7.4 Term of Office
Elected leaders shall not serve more than two consecutive terms. Appointed leaders should not serve more than one consecutive term. This may be waived in consultation with the Scoutmaster.
2.7.5 Rank Requirement
The SPL shall be at least of First Class rank. The Scoutmaster may modify this requirement as needed. In selection of candidates for ASPL and other appointed positions, preference should be given to those Scouts whose next rank advancement requires performance in leadership positions.
2.7.6 Election Procedures
1. Potential candidates for elected office shall notify the Scoutmaster of their interest at least two weeks before the date of the election. The Scoutmaster, in consultation with his Assistants, may or may not give approval for individuals to run for any office. If an individual is disapproved, the reasons should be clearly explained in a Scoutmaster Conference.
2. Candidates for elected office shall be announced by the SPL one week before the date of election.
3. On the date of the election, each candidate for elected office shall give a short speech outlining his qualifications, plans, reasons for running, and any other information he thinks is appropriate.
4. Election shall be by secret ballot. Irreconcilable ties shall be resolved by decision of the current SPL and the Scoutmaster.
5. The SPL shall be elected first, followed by the patrol leaders, both by secret ballot. One week later, in private consultation with the Scoutmaster and his Assistants, the ASPL shall be selected. Each newly elected PL shall select his APL in private consultation with the SPL and the Scoutmaster. The SPL, the Scoutmaster and Assistants shall then select and announce appointees for the remaining troop offices after the Scoutmaster’s approval.
2.7.7 Junior Leaders Training
All Junior Leaders may participate in Troop, District, or Council Junior Leader Training. The Troop may also offer this training on an as-needed basis. The Troop may assume partial cost of Junior Leader Training at the District and Council levels based on its financial situation.
2.7.8 Removal from Office
Incumbents in any youth troop office may be removed by the Scoutmaster, in consultation with his Assistants, for just cause. Just cause shall include, but is not limited to items such, as gross infractions of Troop behavior policies, inability to live by the Scout Oath and the Scout Law, and unsatisfactory attendance. Unsatisfactory performance in office should not be used as just cause until after the incumbent has completed Junior Leader Training and/or has been counseled by the Scoutmaster on ways to improve his performance. If performance does not then improve, or if the office holder refuses to attend Junior Leader Training and Scoutmaster counseling sessions, the incumbent may be removed for unsatisfactory performance.
2.8. 1 Description of High Adventure
The Boy Scout program offers a number of advanced activities that fall under the general heading of High Adventure. These activities include extended backpacking, canoeing, off-road biking, climbing, COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) and similar related experiences. These activities are aimed primarily at older scouts to give them advanced outdoor experiences than will challenge them and keep them interested in the Scouting program.
2.8.2 Safety
The primary concern of adult leaders in organizing and participating in a High Adventure activity is to ensure the safety of all participants. All policies outlined in the Boy Scouts of America current publication "A Guide to Safe Scouting" shall be followed at all times.
2.8.3 Participation in High Adventure
It is the general policy of Troop 352 that Scouts shall be age 13 and shall have attained the rank of First Class before they will be allowed to participate in strenuous High Adventure activities. The age requirement is in place because most High Adventure activities involve an element of strenuous activity. Boys need to have the physical and emotional maturity to understand and manage the activity. The rank requirement is in place because most High Adventure activities require a good knowledge of scouting skills. If more rigorous standards are in force by the Boy Scout Council or other agency in charge of a particular activity, then those standards take precedence.
For many High Adventure activities a Scout may be required to have specialized equipment before being allowed to participate even if he meets the other qualifications. For example, on a biking trip helmets will be required, or on a backpacking trip, good boots and an adequate backpack are necessary and cannot be supplied by the Troop. If such equipment is required for an otherwise qualified Scout and cannot be obtained by the Scout, the Troop will make every effort to find a source for such equipment, but we cannot guarantee its availability.
Two types of exceptions may be made to the above policy. For some activities, a general exception may be made to open an activity to all Scouts. These activities are only those which demand little advanced physical ability (such as an off-road biking trip on flat ground carrying little extra weight). A specific exception may be made for individual Scouts on individual events if the Scout has demonstrated the physical and emotional maturity and the Scouting skills necessary for the event. All exceptions shall be made only upon recommendation by the Scoutmaster and approval by the Troop Committee.
In order to provide older Scouts with older scout opportunities, an Older Scout Patrol (OSP) may be created with Scouts who meet the following requirement: 15 years of age or Life Scout Rank. This patrol is for special camping trips only. The members of the OSP may also be in any regular Patrol of the Troop. They will elect a Patrol Leader and appoint an Assistant Patrol Leader. Two adult advisors, who have been with the Troop at least two years, shall be selected by the boys in the Patrol. The OSP may go on one camping trip each calendar quarter if the following requirements are met:
1. OSP scouts must attend at least one regular Troop camp-out during the previous calendar quarter.
2. OSP scouts must mentor and coach younger Scouts for two hours during the previous calendar quarter. This could be teaching a merit badge or other Scouting skill such as fire building, Totin’ Chip, cooking, knots, etc.
3.1. 1 Philosophy of Troop Organization
Troop 352 relies on adult and family support and is organized according to the recommendations, rules, and regulations of the National Boys Scouts of America. Refer to the booklet entitled "Troop Committee Guidebook" for further information on Troop organization.
3.1.2 Charter Organization
The Troop and all of its equipment are "owned" by the Charter Organization, which oversees all activities of the Troop, provides meeting space, and approves applications for all adult leaders in the Troop. The Charter Organization appoints a liaison to work with the Troop called the Scouting Coordinator; formally known as the Charter Organization Representative (CR).
3.1.3 Troop Committee
Under the Chartered Organization's guidance, the Troop Committee recruits adult leaders, advises the Scoutmaster on BSA and Troop policies, is responsible for finances, and implements policies outlined by the Chartered Organization. This committee meets quarterly.
3.1.4 Scoutmaster
The Scoutmaster, appointed by the Troop Committee, supervises the week-to-week activities of the Troop and guides the youth leaders in the Troop. He is responsible for the operational actions of the Troop, under the direction of the Troop Committee. Because of this responsibility, the Scoutmaster, in consultation with his Assistants, and the Troop Committee has veto power over actions proposed by the Patrol Leaders' Council. (See below).
3.1.5 Assistant Scoutmasters
Assistant Scoutmasters are responsible for one to several specific duties such as helping the Troop Guides lead the new Scouts toward First Class, organizing specific camp-outs, organizing transportation, and other assigned duties.
3.1.6 Registration of Adults
All adult leaders who regularly support the Troop should register as official BSA leaders by filling out an Adult Application. This protects the individual and the Troop by enrolling him or her in the Council's liability insurance program. Adult leaders are strongly encouraged to attend Scoutmaster Fundamentals courses. These courses provide invaluable information about the philosophy and practices of the BSA. The Troop may reimburse individuals for all fees associated with these courses, as approved by the Troop Committee.
3.1.7 Youth Leaders
Youth leaders are led by the Senior Patrol Leader and his Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (s). Each patrol has an elected Patrol Leader and an appointed Assistant Patrol Leader. Other appointed junior leadership positions include the Quartermaster, Scribe, Librarian, Historian, OA Representative, and Chaplain Aide (see the Boy Sscout Handbook for a complete list of youth positions).
3.1.8 Patrol Leaders Council
Monthly Patrol Leaders' Council meetings are held to plan activities for the coming months. All youth leaders are invited and expected to participate in the meetings.
3.1.9 Adult and Family Participation
Troop programs and activities do not happen by magic, it takes parent involvement. It is imperative that EVERY scout family is represented by at least one parent or guardian at the monthly parent meetings. These occur monthly on the first Wednesday of the month.
Additionally, we require every scout family to participate in troop programs when and where they can. We need you to chaperone on youth outings; drive scouts to events and outings, help with or coordinate fund raisers (such as tree lot), serve on Board of Reviews, attend Court of Honors and other troop family events, and/or volunteer for a position on the Troop Committee. Positions include, but are not limited to: