Pack 788's
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Cub Scout Pack 788
(Summerville, South Carolina)
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  • Pack 788 is based in Summerville, SC.
  • Our chartering organization is St. John The Beloved Catholic Church, Summerville, SC.
  • Our den and pack meetings are held at 6:30 pm on Mondays at Summerville Catholic School.
  • You will receive an annual pack calendar that provides specific dates for all events.

  • We have a Facebook group for Pack 788 families. Once you are registered members of the pack, just access Facebook, search for "Pack 788 Summerville" and request access.

The Advancement Trail

On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses from rank to rank, learning new skills as he goes. Each of the ranks and awards in Cub Scouting has its own requirements. As you advance through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities you learn as you get older.

No matter what age or grade a boy joins Cub Scouting, he must earn his Bobcat badge before he can advance to any rank.

New Lion pilot program for Kindergarteners

The Tiger rank is for boys who are in first grade or are age 7.

The Wolf rank is for boys who have finished first grade (or who are 8 years old).

The Bear rank is for boys who have finished second grade (or who are 9 years old).

Webelos dens are for boys who have completed third grade (or reached age 10).

Arrow of Light
The highest rank in Cub Scouting is the Arrow of Light. Earning this rank prepares a Webelos Scout to become a Boy Scout.