A Merit Badge Fair has been approved for 27 February. The specific topics have not yet been settled.
From my earlier post:
Assuming that the Scout PLC decides upon a Mini-Merit Badge Fair over the Winter Months, it's time to start thinking about which Merit Badges can be adequately offered. This would mean: there is Scout interest, MB Counselor availability, time for resources to be obtained (if any), and feasibility to cover at least 80% of the requirements in the session, with follow-up accomplished individually, as germane.
My quick review of the current Merit Badges suggest the following to fit the potential bill:
- Animation (all but #3b/3c to be done afterwards)
- Basketry (with a kit per Scout)
- Chess
- Collections (with prework requirements to be brought in)
- Electricity (with prework and kits)
- Emergency Preparedness (Most can be completed)*** Eagle Required
- Energy
- Fire Safety (with prework, a lawnmower/gas, and a tour of fire station)
- Leatherwork (with kits)
- Photography (with a homework project afterwards)
- Public Health (with prework and homework)
- Weather (with homework)
Thoughts? Submit them here.