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Cub Scout Pack 144
(River Grove, Illinois)
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We have an active Cub Scout program, with Pack and Den meetings and other experiences throughout the year. We encourage attendance at as many activities as possible. Some activities can help the boys advance through the Cub Scout ranks or earn belt loops and badges.

Throughout the year, each Den takes responsibility for a small part of the Pack meeting. This is your Pack, and taking responsibility to run it will allow both boys and parents to participate in scouting ideals. 

We want parents to be active as well! We have numerous positions available, ranging from a once-a-year commitment to Den Leader to Pack administration. 

We encourage parents to consider a role in which they can best use their talents and skills (i.e., Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Committee Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Fund-Raising, Advancement, Recruiting, Activities Chairs or as an assistant to a position). And not to worry, there are plenty of training classes to help you along if you feel don't know what to do. 

Remember, all of the current adult leaders started out where you are, so just jump right up and ask the Cubmaster or another leader how you can help. 

We believe that participation in Cub Scouts makes a positive difference in the lives of our young boys. There are many benefits to having your child in Scouts:  

  • He will learn new things,

  • He will develop new skills,

  • He will develop a sense of belonging,

  • He will enjoy a supervised environment for activities,

  • He will learn citizenship, character, and fitness,

  • He will develop leadership skills,

  • He will develop self-confidence as he earns badges,

  • He will spend "quality time" with family and leaders,

  • And, YES, he will have a lot of fun too!

Many thanks to you and your family for choosing Scouting for your son. The time you spend with him in Scouting is very important and will help him to grow into the best adult he can be!

Pack 144 is the Cub Scout pack in  River Grove, IL. The Pack consists of first through fifth graders attending River Grove and Rhodes School and other schools in the River Grove area.


What is the Cub Scouts?

Cub Scouts is a scouting organization for boys in first grade through fifth grade, led by parent volunteers. The boys get to learn things while having fun and going to some interesting places. 

How does it work?

The boys are organized by “dens” according to their grade in school. First graders are Tiger scouts. Second graders are Wolf scouts. Third graders are Bear scouts. Fourth graders are in the Webelos I den, and fifth graders are in Webelos II. Each den has a den leader who is a parent of one of the boys in the den. (Most dens also have an assistant den leader.) Each den meets three times a month during the school year.  In the den meetings, the scouts work on various achievements in order to earn the badge for their rank. First graders, for example, will work on the achievements needed to earn their Tiger badge.

But my son is too busy!

As fellow parents of River Grove kids, the Pack 144 adult leaders recognize that our kids have a lot of activities. Pack 144 is much less strict than packs in other areas about attendance at events and meetings. As a matter of fact, we try to plan a lot of events so that all busy scouts will have a chance to participate in at least some of the events.

How much does it cost?

Fees for the year are $36 per scout. Plus a $10.00 a month per scout dues, which will be used for outings, supplies, snacks.  We also do a candy bar fundraiser in the fall to help pay for our activities. You may be asked to contribute some money for certain activities if your son participates.