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Venturing Crew 2023
(Salina , Kansas)
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Discover SCUBA

On April 23rd, our crew is going to the YMCA to learn about SCUBA diving. We are going to have a PADI instructor introduce us to SCUBA diving. 

Discover Salina Naturally

On May 1st, our Venture Crew is going to have a booth at Discover Salina Naturally.

Children's Activities

Children's activities provide fun things to do for children of all ages. Nature related crafts and guided nature hikes are part of the fun. Exciting scavenger hunts are planned and interactive learning projects make learning about nature a lot of outdoor fun!

Historical Appreciation

We are a non-profit organization striving to enhance the cultural appreciation of Salinans.

Guided Hikes

Knowledgeable experts on birds take participants through the Lakewood forest to identify birds, nesting habitants, food sources and defensive tactics.


Learn about sustainable practices from Salina organizations, businesses, schools, and restaurants.  See what it takes to become more self sufficient as a community from the folks at Prairieland Market and through programs offered by Lakewood Discovery Center. Find out about simple changes we each can make to improve our quality of life from the friendly staff at Household Hazardous Waste, Skyfire Seeds, First Saturday Bike Group, Salina CAREs, Images Recycling, National Audubon Society, Kansas Native Plant Society, and Dyck Arboretum.  Often these changes save us money.  Experience these great attractions and much more!  Get ideas!  Eat local food!  Sign up for prizes!  Have fun!  FREE!

    Discover Salina Naturally (DSN) is held at Lakewood Park in East Salina. In the fall of 2012, the festival was conceived as an activity for the Salina Parks and Recreation Department. The goal was to get citizens outdoors and appreciating the flora and fauna of the area. In 2012, the year prior to the DSN idea, K-State Pollution Prevention Institute and Lakewood Discovery Center, using EPA grant funds administered by the city of Salina, held a “Green Fair” on Earth Day weekend (April 21). The idea of that fair was to showcase organizations and businesses in Salina that practice sustainability and resilience. In 2013, the Green Fair was integrated into DSN to offer a larger event that continued with showcasing and promoting sustainability, while highlighting the connection with Salina’s history and appreciating the cultural and artistic importance when looking at sustainability. Each year DSN has increased its variety and number of vendors, and types of entertainment, activities, and food. In 2014, DSN was able to have the Kaw Nation perform native dances. The 2015 event featured historical reenactors from mountain men to the Civil War period:

             Exhibitors to help explore the History of the Salina Area

Smoky Hill Museum     * Salina Juneteenth Celebration  *62nd New York State Voluntee (1861-1865)r

* Central Kansas Flywheel Yesteryear Museum     *Old Abilene Town Gunfighters

Exhibitors that promote getting outdoors and appreciating the flora and fauna included the following:

Smoky Hills Audubon Society     Kansas Native Plant Society

* Salina Hiking Club     * Salina Astronomy Club

* KWU Biology Club     Friends of the River Foundation

* Saline County Master Gardeners     * Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism

* Monarch Watch     Milford Nature Center

* Friends of Maxwell Game Preserve      Kansas Wetlands Education Center

* Saline County Conservation District (stream table and soil trailer)

Exhibitors that promoted sustainability and resilience included the following:

The Land Institute  * Atria Aqua Gardens

*Connected - A Fair Trade Store

* Building Performance Co. (resident and business energy efficiency and radon mitigation)   *Cloud County Community College

* Heart Land Prairie Cemetery (green burial)   * Conklin Cars (hybrid cars)     * Saline County Health Department

* Salina Household Hazardous Waste    * Clean’R (homemade laundry soaps)     * Salina Bicycle Advocacy Group

* Salina Kids on Bikes     * BARK (vegan food)  *Citizens' Climate Lobby

* Wichita Rain Barrels

This does not list all the exhibitors that have participated. The list shows what a community event this is.