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Cub Scout Pack 255
(Elk Grove, California)
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Get Started Now!

Download, fill out, and print these documents (scroll down for links):

1. Welcome Document-Everything you need to know to get started.

2. Scout Application-Complete for your youth. *Now you can register online by using this link

3. Adult Application- A responsible adult is required to register. 

4. Parent Talent Survey -Being part of Pack 255 means "pitching in" depending on your skills and abilities. This form pack leaders to coordinate parents to best help the pack according their talents. 

5. Bylaws - Please complete the last page where you and your Scout acknowledge you have reviewed the codes of conduct.

In addition, each Adult registering must complete the "Youth Protection Training" online at (click on this link and then click on the "Create an account" button on that website).  It is a 50 minute presentation to familiarize new adults with the Boy Scout of America guidelines to protect all members of the program.  The certificate displayed at the end of the training needs to be printed and submitted with your Adult application.

The fee is determined based on the month you join.  See below for the applicable amount.  All checks should be made payable to "Pack 255". Forms should be turned in during the next den or pack meeting. You can also 
contact the recruitment chair to make additional arrangements. 

Information regarding purchasing your Scout's 
"Class A"uniform (and activity "Class B" T-Shirt) can be found in the Welcome Document.

If you have any questions, please 
Contact Our Pack.Make sure to follow us on Facebook!

Icon File Name Comment  
Adult Application.pdf  
Family Talent Survey.pdf  
Parent Information Guide.pdf  
Youth Application.pdf  

Annual Membership Dues

The dues to join at the beginning of the Scouting year (September 1st) is $150 (see below for a full explanation of how the dues directly benefits your Scout).  Membership fees include the scout and one registered adult. For each additional registered adult, the fee is $33. Dues to join after September 1 are prorated.  You will need to purchase a uniform and handbook which runs about $100.  Timing of the payments is open for discussion if it would otherwise prevent a boy from joining us.

The Pack uses your fee directly for your Scout's benefit.  The following is where the membership fee goes:

  • National Youth Membership Fees
  • Boys Life Magazine Subscription
  • National Adult Membership & Scouting Magazine Subscription
  • Pinewood Derby Car Kit Given to Your Scout
  • End of Year Promotion Materials (Hat, Slide, Neckerchief, Handbook) Presented to Your Scout
  • Awards and Patches Presented to Your Scout
Additional fees apply to overnight tours and camps. However, the boys can participate in fundraisers (September-October) to earn money to pay for these costs. In addition, the Pack utilizes funds raised through fund raisers to purchase den supplies, additional awards & patches, and provide food at events for your Scout.  Further, fundraisers allows the Pack to reduce the cost charged to Scouts for overnight trips and camps.

Your Scout's First Rank

The first rank that EVERY boy earns when entering the Cub Scouting Program is the Bobcat rank.  The Bobcat is an important award that is presented to the Scout and his adult in a brief ceremony befitting the honor. No matter what age or grade a boy joins Cub Scouting, he must earn his Bobcat badge before he can advance to the rank to the other ranks. These are the basics that all Scouts know and say/do regularly. The Bobcat requirements include:
  • Learn and say the Cub Scout motto, the Scout Oath, and the Scout Law and tell what they mean;
  • Show the Cub Scout sign, salute, and handshake and tell what they mean; and
  • With your parent or guardian complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide.  

"Do your best!" 


"On my honor, I will do my best,
To do my duty to God and my country,
To obey the Scout Law; 
To help other people at all times; 
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight"

Before Cub Scouts agree to the Scout Oath or Promise, they need to know what it means.

On my honor I will do my best … Saying “On my honor” is like saying “I promise.” It means that you will do your best to do what the Scout Oath says.

The Scout Oath has three promises. Let’s look at what they mean.

To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law … A duty is something you are expected to do. At home, you might be expected to make up your bed or take out the trash. You also have duties to God and to your country. You do your duty to God by following the teachings of your family and religious leaders. You do your duty to your country by being a good citizen and obeying the law. You also promise to live by the 12 points of the Scout Law.

To help other people at all times … Many people need help. A friendly smile and a helping hand make life easier for others. By helping other people, you are doing a Good Turn and making our world a better place.

To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight … The last part of the Scout Oath is about taking care of yourself. You stay physically strong when you eat the right foods and get plenty of exercise. You stay mentally awake when you work hard in school, learn all you can, and ask questions. You stay morally straight when you do the right thing and live your life with honesty.

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

The Scout Law has 12 points. Each is a goal for every Scout. He does his best to live up to the Law every day. It is not always easy to do, but a Scout always tries.

A Scout is TRUSTWORTHY A Scout tells the truth and keeps his promises. People can depend on him.
A Scout is LOYAL A Scout is true to his family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and country.
A Scout is HELPFUL A Scout volunteers to help others without expecting a reward.
A Scout is FRIENDLY A Scout is a friend to everyone, even people who are very different from him.
A Scout is COURTEOUS A Scout is polite to everyone and always uses good manners.
A Scout is KIND A Scout treats others as he wants to be treated. He never harms or kills any living thing without good reason.
A Scout is OBEDIENT A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and pack. He obeys the laws of his community and country.
A Scout is CHEERFUL A Scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.
A Scout is THRIFTY A Scout works to pay his way. He uses time, property, and natural resources wisely.
A Scout is BRAVE A Scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He stands for what is right even if others laugh at him.
A Scout is CLEAN A Scout keeps his body and mind fit. He helps keep his home and community clean.
A Scout is REVERENT A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.



Make the sign with your right hand and with your arm held straight up. The two fingers stand for two parts of the Promise - "to help other people" and "to obey." They look like a wolf's ears ready to listen to your adult leader. Give the Cub Scout Sign when you say the Cub Scout Promise or the Law of the Pack.
cub scout sign


Using your right hand, place your first two fingers along the inside of the other boy's wrist. This means that you help and that you obey the law of the Pack.
cub scout handshake


Point your first two fingers of your right hand out straight and close together. Touch the tips of the fingers to your cap or if not wearing a cap then to your eyebrow. A salute is a way to show respect. When you salute a leader (either adult or other scout), you show him or her that you respect their position. When you salute the flag, you show that you are proud of your country.
cub scout salute

The last requirement falls to the Adult.  The Scout's adult should read the booklet 
How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse.  (Click on the title for the full booklet)  The booklet is designed to give the Adult a basic framework to then have a discussion with the Scout to prepare him to deal with some inappropriate or dangerous situations that any child may face.  The booklet gives you as the adult the tools you need to then have a discussion with the Scout using words and situations you feel are age appropriate for your Scout.  For many adults, it is a difficult discussion to have, but so important.