Lions may work on any of these Adventures if they wish to.
Build It Up, Knock It Down
1. Discuss with other Lions things thatcan be built and things that can be knocked down.
2. Discuss with other Lions how they andtheir fellow Lions can be built up and knocked down, not just physically butalso emotionally.
3. Build structures using availablematerials.
1. Explore properties of motion.
2. Explore properties of force.
3. Use household materials to crate auseful object.
1. Make and use a "Lion Bag"and hanger for personal Scouting gear.
2. Make a personal care checklist.
3. Practice tying shoelaces.
1. Participate in a game with your den.
2. Participate in an obstacle courserelay.
3. Participate in a box derby race.
1. Explain that choices haveconsequences.
2. Perform a Good Turn for anotherperson.
3. Teach a game to another person. Thisrequirement may be accomplished at home or at the outing.
1. Visit with an individual who candemonstrate different ways to garden (outside, greenhouse, container, etc.) andthe basic skills needed to garden.
2. Learn where the food we eat comesfrom.
3. Plant a small container garden.
1. Play a game with rules; indicate anunderstanding of the rules and why it is important to follow the rules whileplaying the game.
2. Choose a jungle animal that you wouldlike to be; describe the animal and why you chose it.
a. Participate in a parade with theother animals in your den.
b. Communicate with other animalsusing your animal's sounds, both as loudly as you can and as softly as you can.