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Boy Scout Troop 29
(Congers, New York)
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Eagle Scout Projects

Why Become an Eagle Scout?

Ongoing Eagle Scout Projects
  • Sarin Iamsangtham (Sam) constructed a pathway and seating area in Congers Park.

Completed Eagle Scout Projects

  • Kris Cantos completed his Eagle Scout Project.  In fact, Kris made Eagle the day before his 18th birthday.  How's that for cutting it close to the deadline!  More details on his Eagle Scout Project to follow; please stay tuned to more information in the near future.
  • Chris Cortese added Trail Markers around Conger's Lake to identify Animal Species.
  • Bobby Duggan completed the construction of five tent platforms for the Girl Scouts.  The Girl Scout camp site is located at Camp Addison Boyce in Tomkin Cove, NY.  Bobby is officially an Eagle Scout.
  • Chris Fernandes completed the rebuild of a supply shed for the Hi-Tor Animal Care Center in Pomona, NY.  His project completion received Troop approval and sign off.  Chris is officially an Eagle Scout.
  • John Fincken built a stone slate pathway surrounded by dear-resistant plants and bushes near the baseball field in Kings Park, Congers, NY.  JJ Is now an official Eagle Scout.
  • Michael Hoblin had his St. Paul's School Grotto project approved by the Eagle Board.  The grotto project consisted of the repair of the grotto walls, and Michael installed stone benches for quiet spiritual reflection.  Michael now is officially an Eagle Scout.
  • Joe Leonard's Eagle package is complete.  Joe is now officially an Eagle Scout. His project was the refurbishment of Snyder Cemetery in Valley Cottage.

  • Anthony Mancino completed a memorial garden on the Congers Elementary School property.  Special engraved bricks line the walk around the garden.
  • John-Thomas Mancino (JT) completed his Eagle project at "A Starting Place", a preschool at 664 Orangeburg Road in Pearl River.
  • Conor Mooney is an Eagle Scout.  More details on his Eagle Scout Project to follow; please stay tuned to more information in the near future...
  • Matt O'Dowd built and installed Stations of the Cross at St. Paul's School in Valley Cottage. The dedication occurred on September 27, 2009. Matt is now at the United States Naval Academy. Matt is officially an Eagle Scout.
  • Pat O'Dowd is an Eagle Scout.  More details on his Eagle Scout Project to follow; please stay tuned to more information in the near future...
  • Frank Parrino is an Eagle Scout.  More details on his Eagle Scout Project to follow; please stay tuned to more information in the near future...
  • Kevin Roughan refurbished the Pieta statue in the Gethsemane Cemetery within Rockland Lake.
  • Anton Schauble planted a natural wall of trees as wind barrier for Gethsemane Cemetery, and created a prayer garden as well.
  • Peter Schauer is almost complete with the 9-11 Memorial project on the property of the Congers-Valley Cottage Volunteer Ambulance Corp. near Kings Park, Congers, NY.
  • Anthony Trivino received Council approval on the completion for the reconstruct of the Germonds Baseball Park stone wall.  Anthony is officially an Eagle Scout.
  • Chris Voce is an Eagle Scout.  He completed the installation of a new fence for the Veteran Memorial Association on Lake Road in Congers.
  • Frank Voce's Eagle Scout Project was to repaint the Congers Fire Hydrant Street Markers reflective blue for clearer visibility.  He passed his Board of Review. His Eagle package was approved by Council. Frank is now officially an Eagle Scout.
  • Camron Winzinger completed the reflection garden on the St. Paul's Church property found at Lake Road, Congers.

Icon File Name Comment  
LeonardJoe_EagleProject.pdf Joey Leonard's Eagle Scout Service Project  

Eagle Wall of Honor

Troop 29 Eagle Scouts Wall of Honor

The Eagle Scout award is a performance-based achievement whose standards have been well-maintained over the years.  The Eagle rank is a very significant accomplishment for any Scout, which can only be achieved through commitment and hard work.

Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). A Scout who attains this rank is called an Eagle Scout or Eagle. Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than 2 million young men. The title of Eagle Scout is held for life, thus giving rise to the phrase "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle".

Troop 29 congratulates the significant accomplishments of the following
Troop 29 Eagle Scouts:

Kris Cantos - yyyy; Eagle Scout Project -

Conor Mooney - yyyy; Eagle Scout Project -

Frank Parrino - yyyy; Eagle Scout Project -

Matthew O'Dowd - 2009;
Eagle Scout Project -
St. Paul's Stations of the Cross

Robert Duggan - 2010; Eagle Scout Project -
Girl Scout Camp Addison Boyce Tent Platforms

Chris Fernandes - 2010; Eagle Scout Project -
Hi Tor Animal Care Center Shed

Michael Hoblin - 2010; Eagle Scout Project -
St. Paul's School Grotto

Joseph Leonard - 2010;  Eagle Scout Project -
Snyder's Cemetery Restoration

Frank Voce - 2010; Eagle Scout Project -
Conger's Fire Hydrant Markers

Anthony Trivino - 2011; Eagle Scout Project -
Germonds Baseball Park Stone Wall

Anthony Mancino - 2013; Eagle Scout Project -
Congers Elementary School Memorial Garden

Michael Kocik - 2013; Eagle Scout Project -
Link project

John Fincken - 2013; Eagle Scout Project -
King's Park Stone Slate Pathway Garden

Peter Schauer - 2013; Eagle Scout Project -
Conger's Ambulance Corp. 9-11 Memorial

Camron Winzinger - 2014; Eagle Scout Project -
St. Paul's Church Reflection Garden

Chris Cortese - 2014; Eagle Scout Project -
Conger Lake Animal Trail Markers

Chris Voce -2014; Eagle Scout Project -
VMA Fence

Anton Schauble -2014; Eagle Scout Project -
  Gethsemane Cemetery Tree Planting & Prayer Cove

JT Mancino -2014; Eagle Scout Project -
PreSchool Pearl River

Kevin Roughan -2015; Eagle Scout Project -
  Gethsemane Cemetery Pieta Shrine Restoration