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Boy Scout Troop 29
(Congers, New York)
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Welcome to NY Troop 29!

Welcome to Congers, NY Troop 29!
(Art Creation credit goes to Brian Seidel)

Boy Scout Troop 29 is based in Congers, NY.

We are chartered through the Veteran's Memorial Association.

We welcome all newcomers and all scouts moving up from the rank of Webelo!

By joining, you will learn life skills, bond with other members, go camping, hiking, traveling, among other things.

Here you will find a troop active in their community, so...

Find yourself able to finagle finances, fires, and the fear of the unknown.
Prepare yourself for the awesomeness of fun and friendship!

The Scout Oath

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight. 

Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent.

Scout Motto

Be prepared. 

Scout Slogan

Do a good turn daily.

Meet us Wednesdays, each week promptly at 7:00 pm,
starting on September 02, 2015 through June 29, 2016. 
Parents are welcome to attend and are encouraged to be an active part of our scout troop.
We meet at the top floor of the Congers Community Center,
located at 6 Gilchrest Road, Congers, NY 10920
Provide us with your email address to obtain the latest news
regarding meeting agendas and any reminders.

About Us...

Troop 29 meets at Congers Community Center in Congers, NY.
We are in the Hudson Valley Council, Rockland County District.

Our troop meets weekly during the school year on Wednesday nights (see "Interested?" above). We have an active troop with approximately 15 boys, and have a lot of fun activities throughout the year.

Eligibility: Boys from age 11 through 17 are eligible to join Boy Scouts.

Scout involvement: Attendance and punctuality at all meetings are now promotion criteria;  all scouts are encouraged to be regularly punctual in order to earn their merit badge awards and for most of the vital information concerning the troop's activities. Check with troop leaders for more information.

Adult involvement: We actively welcome involvement from adults to support the scouting program and request participation at many of the meetings. We suggest each adult help assist with driving to at least two camp-outs per year.

Cost: Initial requirements are the yearly registration fee of $100, the purchase of an official boy scout uniform, and the official scout handbook.