What is Cub Scouts?Cub Scouting means "doing." Everything in Cub Scouting is designed to have the boys doing things. Activities are used to achieve the aims of Scouting—citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness. Many of the activities happen right in the den and pack. The most important are the den meetings and the monthly pack meetings.
Apart from the fun and excitement of Cub Scout activities, the Cub Scout Promise, the Law of the Pack, and the Cub Scout sign, handshake, motto, and salute all teach good citizenship and contribute to a boy's sense of belonging.
Cub Scout Promise On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. | | Cub Scout Law A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. | |
Cub Scout Motto Do Your Best |
Who is eligible?Find out more at
Cub scouts is open to BOYS AND GIRLS in Grades K - 5
Where and how often do you meet?Pack 369 meets at the American Legion Post 87 in Hodgenville! (636 S. Lincoln Blvd, Hodgenville, KY 42748).. Generally the Den Meetings (individual grades) are on the FIRST and THIRD Thursday of the month for approximately 1 hour at the church between the hours of 6pm and 7pm. The Pack Meeting (the whole group) meets on various dates/locations, depending on the activity (usually near the end of the month). Valley Creek Fire Department is our pack sponsor and provides the pack an additional place to meet.
What does it cost?When you join Cub Scouts, there is a $100 yearly (Jan-Dec) registration fee and insurance to be sent to Boy Scouts of America to make your child an official scout. New Scouts are pro-rated at $50 into the Pack when they join. Additionally, to cover crafts, activities and expenses, Dens may charge dues.
As an option, for an extra $15, a scout can receive his own magazine subscription to
Boy's Life magazine Registration and dues cover all activities and awards EXCEPT summer camps, family campouts and individual belt loops/pins. These are paid for by the individual families.
Where can I get a uniform and supplies?You may order them from
scoutstuff.org or pick them up at the Louisville Scout Shop at 12002 Tucker Station Road, Louisville, KY 40299 (502) 267-8092 The Pack also has a limited supply of "experienced" uniforms.