Troop 94's
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Boy Scout Troop 94
(Shiloh, Pennsylvania)
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Welcome to the Troop 94 Home Page!

Troop 94 Turned 70 years old On June 30, 2014! Shiloh Fire Company chartered Troop 94 seventy years ago.  Read more about the history of  Troop 94 at the bottom of this page and at the link here!

Troop 94 is located in Shiloh, Pennsylvania. We meet every Tuesday throughout the year at the Shiloh Fire Hall. Meetings are from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Scouting is open to all boys age 11 to 18. You find us or to sign up online at go to Click on the Boy Scouts tab, and enter your zip code. Look for our "Fleur-de-lis Pin" on the map for more details.                                                ***

 to the Contact Our Troop link will be ignored and deleted. The Webmaster is not authorized to purchase anything for the troop and will not forward solicitations to any other member. Sorry, this site is for the Troop use only.

Troop 94 In the News!
Troop 94 turned 70 years old on June 30, 2014! Scouting in the USA has been around for 103 years and Troop 94 has participated in the last 71 of them. Chartered in 1944, Troop 94 has been home to hundreds of scouts and this proud tradition. Recently, the York Daily Record published an article for the troop in their Weekly supplement and posted the article online.
You can read the article here.

Journey to Excellence Unit Gold Award
We did it again!!! - Troop 94 is a Gold Quality Unit six years in a row
The National Boy Scouts of America began a program in 2011 to change the way scout units are evaluated for delivering the scouting program effectively. Previously, Troop 94 was recognized as a Centennial Quality Unit in 2010. But in 2011, the rules changed and became more stringent. National set exact standards for how to determine how well a unit is doing.  Troop 94 re-chartered for 2017 and earned the Gold award for the 2016 calendar year. So far we have earned Gold JTE status 2010 to 2015 and now for the fifth time in 2016. Every year though, the slate is wiped clean and the troop has to provide a quality program that continues to meet the standards.

Parents - Merit Badges!
If you are interested in becoming a merit  badge counselor, please log into the website private section and fill out the form on the welcome page. Once you complete it, you can either give it to Mr. Guertin or send it to the council service center. Instructions for being a merit badge counselor is attached to this page.                                                 *** 

Looking for the Merit Badge College information or trying to find a specific Merit Badge Counselor? Log in with your password and go to the Knowledge Base.  The new (from August 2012) Merit badge Counselor list is in the Troop Knowledge Base. Use the two PDF documents to find a counselor for a merit badge your boy is interested in earning.

We just hit 4000 visitors on January 10, 2014! Wow! Wow is right, but we hit 5060 hits on June 11, 2014!
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Merit Badge Counselor Manual 18-125.pdf Merit Badge Counselor Training Manual  

Upcoming Events

Events on this section are for viewers without access to the private site. Information on this page is restricted and only contains a small amount of information. I will be updating this page throughout the year.

If you are a leader, parent or scout who needs access to the site, please provide the following information in an email (click on "Contact Our Troop" in the banner above): First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Scout Position/Office, and phone number. If you do not want your phone number published, let me know that in the email and I will not enter it into the profile. I would like the number to contact you in case there are any questions.
 Event Name

 Dates and Times

Meeting location 

Costs and Fees 

Klondike Derby February 9-11, 2018 Bus barn at Fri 6:30 $20 per person
Pack 94 Webelo's visit February 20, 2018 Shiloh Fire Hall
Avalanche Express Tubing February 27, 2018, 6:30-9:00  Avalanche Express
$12 in advance, $14 day of
Pine Grove Furnace Winter Camp March 23-25, 2018 TBD $20 per person
Pancake Breakfast April 7, 2018 Shiloh Fire Hall $5 per person
Spring Camporee April 20-22, 2018 TBD $20 per person
Gettysburg Hike May 18-20, 2018 TBD TBD
Tuckahoe Summer Camp July 8-14, 2018 TBD  TBD

Please note: There are other activities not listed on this calendar. Please provide login information to see the events calendar. For an expanded internet calendar of Troop 94 events, follow this link: Troop 94 Internet Expanded Calendar
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Winter camping Tips.pdf  

District / Council / Nationwide Events

If you enjoy Boy Scout Activities with the Troop... you might also enjoy Boy Scout activities at an even larger scale!

Troop events are great, and Troop 94 encourages each scout, parent, and even friends to attend.

But if you want to step up your game, Try some of these activities:

National Jamboree 2013 at Bechtel Summit Scout Reserve

Klondike Derby Camporee: February 21 -23, 2014 at Camp Tuckahoe
Spring Camporee: April 25 - 27, 2014 at Hidden Valley Scout Reservation
Fall Camporee: September 19 - 21, 2014 at Susquehanna State Park, Lancaster County

Attached are some brochures for some of these events and locations
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PHILMONT 2013 BROCHURE (2).pdf Philmont Brochure  


The Boy Scouts of America Leadership Training

Youth Training
    Den Chief Training (online)
    Introduction To Leadership Skills - Troop Leadership Training - (free at the Troop)
    National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) - offered by the council (Fee)
    National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (Northeast Area or Philmont) (Fee)
    Rank advancement - All rank advancement involves training - found in your scout book
    Merit Badges - All Merit badges involve training and learning experiences

Adult Training
    Youth Protection Training (online)
    This is Scouting (online)
    Fast Start: Boy Scouting (online)
    Leader Specific - Scoutmaster / Assistant Scoutmaster (offered by the council)
or Troop Committee Challenge (online)
    Introduction To Outdoor Leadership Skills (offered by the council)
    Susquehanna Trail District Roundtables (September through May)

So, why should you go to training?
    Training shortens the learning curve of any new activity - up to 6 times faster.
    Even if you are a lifelong scout, training provides new tips and techniques to pass on your knowlege.
    Most scout training courses provide experiences that can help you inside and outside of scouting.
    It will help the troop along its "Journey to Excellence!"
    All the "cool kids" go to training, so should you!
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What_makes_a_trained_leader.pdf Full training sessions for Youth and Adults  

The History of Troop 94

Troop 94 of Shiloh has touched the lives of hundreds of young men since the troop's origin. Yesterday's scouting veterans are today's leaders in many of our community and national activities.  The work of the troop has had a strong influence in the community.  It is desirable to preserve the history of this vital community institution. Some facts and occurrences relating to the troop's earliest years have been lost in time.  However, much has been saved and this historical document attempts to describe the history of Troop 94.

As important as scouting has been in shaping the lives of countless young men from the Shiloh area, none of the troop's work could have been accomplished without the efforts of hundreds of adult volunteers - mothers, fathers, friends, and neighbors - who have given unselfishly of their time and their skills to direct our young men down the proper path of life.

ORIGIN - Boy Scouting had been in existence in the York area since 1912.  Ray Zaner, the first Scout Commissioner in 1915, organized the first official troop.  Mr. Zaner would continue as Chief Scout Executive in York Co. until 1945. During this time Mr. Zaner was always trying to find a way to involve more boys in Boy Scouting.

During the summer of 1943 Mr. Zaner was passing through Shiloh on old Route #74.  He knew the Shiloh Garage, owned and operated by Elmer Menges, was a gathering place for the young people because Mr. Menges sold soda and candy in his small office.  Mr. Menges and his wife didn't have any children but they were very concerned about the young people in the area.  On this day that Mr. Zaner stopped at the garage, Peter Julius, Frances (Tiny) Jones, and Mr. Menges were present.  Mr. Zaner introduced himself to the group and mentioned that he would like to see if a new scout troop could be organized in the Shiloh area.  Mr. Zaner explained the Scouting program to the three men and asked if they believed the community would support such an effort.  The three men agreed that the nucleus of a scout troop easily existed in the Shiloh area.  Mr. Zaner then asked if these three men would help in locating a sponsor, a meeting place, and a scoutmaster. As luck would have it - these three men were friends and neighbors and were already working together organizing the new Shiloh Fire Company - so they agree they would organize the new troop. The Shiloh Fire Company agreed to be the sponsor of the troop. Mr. Jones agreed to be the first scoutmaster. Peter Julius contacted Harvey Swartz, the York County Superintendent of Schools and a friend and a member of the same church as Mr. Julius - and Mr. Swartz agreed to allow the troop to meet weekly at the Shiloh Elementary School.

To assist Mr. Jones with the leadership of the troop, he asked his neighbor, William Litsinger to be an Assistant Scoutmaster.  He agreed.  Mr. Jones began to ask neighborhood boys if they would want to join a Boy Scout troop.  All through the late summer and winter of 1943, Mr. Jones was registering boys into Troop 94 and by the spring of 1944, the original charter was prepared with fifteen scouts registered.

Meanwhile, Oscar Weber - President of the Shiloh Fire Company - asked Marlin Nogle to be the first Troop Committee Chairman. Mr. Nogle secured eight other community concerned men to register on the first Troop Committee.

The first charter was dated June 30, 1944 with these persons registered on the Troop Committee: Marlin Nogle - Chairman, Oscar Weber - President of the Shiloh Fire Company, Royce Kohr, Elmer Menges, George Strayer, Daniel Posey, Peter Julius, Raymond Hively, and William Ketterman.  

The following scouts were registered on the first charter: Franklin Arndt, Gerald Baker, Ronald Becker, John Botts, Robert Hake, David Harris, Fred Hunter, Vincent Law, Donald Litsinger, Roland Nichols, Robert Nogle, Charles Nonemaker, Richard Reiber, Donald Seitz, and Henry Stover.

The scouts were assigned to four patrols with these patrol and patrol leaders: Flaming Arrow Patrol - Richard Reiber, Patrol Leader; Flying Eagle Patrol - Robert Hake, Patrol Leader;  Fox Patrol - Henry Stover, Patrol Leader; and Indian Patrol - Robert Nogle, Patrol Leader.

The first charter presentation was held on October 17, 1944 at the Shiloh Elementary School.  Russell Hild made the presentation for the York-Adams Council. The Investiture Ceremony was performed by the troop using the new candelabra made by Mr. Jones.  The Shiloh Fire Company presented the troop.

Little did the Shiloh Fire Company, the Troop Committee members, the scout leaders, and the scouts back in 1944 realize that 70 years later - the efforts put forth in 1943 -1944 would produce such a memorable experience for hundreds of boys, leaders, and scout families from the Shiloh area.  These people started the "OUTING" in Scouting for Shiloh boys.
