Lodge 41's
Home Page

Order of the Arrow Lodge 41
(Fox Valley Chapter, Illinois)
ScoutLander Contact Our Lodge Member Login


Welcome Fox Valley Arrowmen of the Ottawa Chapter!

O/A Ottawa Chapter Meetings for the Fox Valley Sub-Chapter are held at the
Baker Community Center in St Charles at 101 South 2nd Street. All O/A Troop Representatives and Members are encouraged to attend. Meetings begin at 7:00 PM, with activity time followed by business, closing by 8:00pm.

O/A Troop Representative
Does your troop have an O/A Troop Representative? Do you know what the job description is for this Position of Responsibility? 

Webelos Crossover Ceremony
The Fox Valley Chapter has formed a Webelos Crossover Ceremonial Team. Our ceremony doesn’t replace, but rather enhances your existing Pack’s ceremony. This may be used at your Pack's Blue and Gold banquet. For more information or to book your use of our team please come to the next Fox Valley meeting or right click to copy the email address at: FOX VALLEY CROSSOVER

O/A Dues

If you are not current on your dues, then you are not currently a member of the Order of the Arrow. This means you should not be wearing an O/A pocket flap or O/A Sash. Don't let your O/A membership lapse! Please pay this years Lodge Dues on-line through the Council's site www.threefirescouncil.org.  They may be mailed or paid at the Scout Shop. Please keep your receipt until you receive your membership card.

Congratulations to the Fox Valley Chapter!
Currently our Chapter has the largest meeting attendance for the entire Lowaneu Allanque Lodge. In addition, we currently are carrying out the largest number of Chapter Activities. With growth like this, Fox Valley Chapter will succeed and continue to offer quality service to our District and Council!

Remember Arrowmen you were elected into the Order of the Arrow not so much for what you have done, but for what you are expected to do!

Crossovers and Elections

We need all the help we can get this year for both Crossovers and Unit Elections.


What are Crossovers? It's where the O/A performs a ceremony for Webelos crossing over to Boy Scouts. In this ceremony we wear our regalia and say a few thoughtful lines, then we feast! There are speaking roles and non-speaking roles (did I mention there is FREE FOOD!) How can I help? Come on down to the ceremonies practices. More information on the Events Calendar as we get closer to the Blue & Gold Season in February.


What are Unit Elections? Volunteers needed to visit Troops (other than their own Troop) to conduct elections for Scouts to get into the O/A. Most Troops meet on Monday nights, so we need volunteers who can occasionally miss their own Troop meeting to help. OA members from Troops meeting regularly on a day other than Monday are especially needed. Adult O/A members are also needed for driving to Troop locations and help with the election paperwork.


The Chapter now has a FaceBook page as well.  Please "Facebook" us at:


Tandy Leather Store

Tandy is having a sale all month long this February so stop in and get yourself some regalia supplies!! http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/eflyer/1302RT-USA/1302RT-USA.aspx

Tandy Leather #28 - ELGIN-28
Manager: Steve Jespersen

1041 Davis Rd
Elgin, IL 60123

Phone: 847-289-5227
Fax: 847-289-5243
Toll Free: 800-836-6853

Store Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 4pm
Sunday: Closed