Pack 14's
Home Page

Cub Scout Pack 14
(Charleston, South Carolina)
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Pack 14 Main Page

Welcome to Pack 14! Meetings are every Monday 6:30 – 7:30 except for the first Monday of the month. In addition, if there is no school on Monday then there will not be a meeting. This pack may or may not meet over the summer. Generally meetings are at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church 712 Wappoo Road (

Map) . Informational documents attached as well as directions to our meeting place. Also attached is the Health Form but this is needed only for overnight council events.


Pack 14 online calendar :

Pack 14 Calendar 2012-2013 (click link to access internet calendar)



Webelos 2 Den Leader: Jim Early (843) 452-7428 (sends email notices)


Cubmaster: Sherry Royster (843) 870-9333


Coastal Carolina Council Homepage (1025 Sam Rittenberg Boulevard Charleston, SC 29407-3441 phone 843.763.0305)


Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 14, Charleston, SC

Welcome to Pack 14! Meetings on every Monday 6:30 – 7:30 except for the first Monday of the month.  In addition, if there is no school on Monday then there will not be a meeting.  This pack may or may not meet over the summer. Generally meetings are at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church 712 Wappoo Road (Map) . Informational documents attached as well as directions to our meeting place. Also attached is the Health Form but this is needed only for overnight council events  such as Mom and Me.

Lots of events for September – see Mom and Me Camping details below (Sept 22-23). Beach sweep is Saturday 9/15!

Pack Events

Monday, Sept 10: 6:30 -  Kick off the new school year with PACK 14! New member orientation/Q&A.

Saturday, Sept 15 Folly Beach Sweep 9 AM (1 - 2 hours) Meet at 4th East walkover on Folly Beach and we will walk the beach picking up litter. This is national coastal/shore clean-up day so there will be lots of other groups. We are assigned the 2 block stretch from 4th East to 6th East. Community Service is an important part of Cub Scouting. We hope you can make it out. On Monday we will take unofficial head count to see who is planning to participate. We have asked the organizers if participants are expected to pay for parking but have not heard back yet.

Saturday, November 3. Pack 14 Yard Sale at St Andrews Presbyterian Church 712 Wappoo Rd (Webelos campout Fri 11/2 on site)

Fall campout (weekend of November 10)

Pack 14 online calendar : Pack 14 Calendar 2012-2013 (click link to access internet calendar)

Council Events

Sept 22-23 Mom and Me Camp Out (not just for Moms) , Camp Ho Non Wah, Wadmalaw Island.  Cost: $60 includes cub scout and parent or guardian ($25 additional camper), Theme: HNW InterGalactic Space Academy, Contact: .The deadline to register your space cadet is Sept. 12th.  You may apply online ( )or at the council office.  Be sure to turn in you BSA Medical Form Parts A and B (attached) with your application and payment. Check-in 8 – 9:45 AM on Saturday.

Saturday, Sept 29 (6 PM [tailgate is at 4]) - Citadel Football Scout Night. Scout outing at The Citadel football game on Sept 29th, game time at 6 PM (The Citadel vs University of Tenn at Chattanooga). Ticket prices:  $6 per person attending the game. $6 per person for tailgate party (4 PM) with hamburgers, chips and drinks. Registration deadline is 9/19. Contact 763-0305 (this may be a group registration event). Scout Camp the movie on the giant video board.


Adult Volunteer Training Opportunities  (please see myself or the Cubmaster Sherry Royster if you are interested in volunteering)

Sept 15 (8 AM – 5 PM) BALOO training  Camp Ho Non Wah, Wadmalaw Island  Outdoor/Camping training for Cub Scout Leaders. Bring chair, paper, pen and water (lunch provided). Please wear full Uniform.  Cost: $20 (Pack may reimburse; contact Cubmaster) – contact: Shawn  Mason More Information:


Sept 15 (10 AM) WagonMaster Training  Camp Ho Non Wah, Wadmalaw Island .  Bring camp chair, lunch, and water bottle. Cost TBD. Click here: for description. Contact: Click next link for registration:


Webelos 2 Den Leader: Jim Early

Cubmaster: Sherry Royster


Pack 14 Calendar 2012-2013 (click link to access internet calendar)


Coastal Carolina Council Homepage (1025 Sam Rittenberg Boulevard Charleston, SC 29407-3441 phone 843.763.0305)

Icon File Name Comment  
directions to Pack 14 meeting place.doc Directions to Pack 14 meeting place  
Health_Form_for_council_events.pdf Health form for overnight council events  
Pack 14.doc Pack 14 - what to expect