Pack 472's
Home Page

Cub Scout Pack 472
(Tempe, Arizona)
ScoutLander Contact Our Pack Member Login

Recruiting new scouts now! 
Now is the perfect time to join for this year. Contact us today to get information on joining in on the fun.
Send us an e-mail to to get the details and to be connected to the den that fits your scouts age group.

Monthly Pack Meetings

3rd or 4th Monday of every month during the school year

Mariposa Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room (Cafeteria)

50 E Knox Road Tempe, AZ 85284



Monday - TBD (August 2020) at 7pm
- new member meeting - 
interested in joining - please arrive at 6:45p

Monday - Sept TBD 2020 @ 7pm
Monday - Oct TBD, 2020 @ 7pm

Who   - Open to any boy in 1st-5th grades in any school (not restricted to Mariposa school)
When  - Open rolling enrollment during school year (no scouting events during summer)
Where  - Monthly Pack Meeting held at Kyrene de la Mariposa Elementary School
How  - Simply show up at our pack meeting or click on "Contract Our Pack" link at top of page

  • Only 1 Pack Meeting per month during school year
  • Only 1-2 Den Meetings per month during school year
  • Learn through fun!

Paul Strauss, Cubmaster

Our Mission

The leaders of Cub Scout Pack 472 are committed to providing a quality, year-round program of Cub Scouting activities. Special emphasis is placed on building character, strengthening the family bond, enhancing citizenship, and enjoying outdoor activities. 
Parental involvement is the key to success!!

Most of the content of our website is password protected to ensure the safety and privacy of the Pack. For more information, please click on the "Contact Our Pack" link above (near the very top of the page). If you or your son are members of the pack, please make sure that you send the full name of the parent and the child, as well as a contact phone number and email address.