Welcome to the home of Pack 3351. This site is devoted to sharing our adventures together, and providing information regarding our Pack activities. The site will provide dates and times for upcoming events, as well as information for parents who wish to become more involved in scouting. The links to the left, will guide you to resources, that will help you along your journey. Thank you for supporting your child's journey is Scouting. We are glad you are here.
There are links provided to assist you in your road to becoming a Scout leader. First, you will need to complete Fast Start Training. The quick course can be completed online at the above link. After completion, follow the Youth Protection link and complete the online course. Then go to the Heart of America Council's site, and arrange to complete job specific training. You can also find a listing of all available and recommended training there. Thanks for joining the team.
Special thanks to the Lions Club of Shawnee, our Chartering Organization.
Opinions expressed on this site, are not associated with the HOAC, BSA.