Pack 60 is the oldest pack in Papillion. We are sponsored by the American Legion Post 32, located in downtown Papillion. We belong to the Wagon Wheel District, and Mid-America Council. Scouting can help young boys and girls enhance close relationships with their families and God, while developing strong and desirable traits of character, citizenship, physical and mental fitness. Scouting also provides boys and girls leadership opportunities and helps them develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship.
Cub Scouts is a family program, and parental help is the key to a successful scout. The scouts need their parents' help with achievements and electives.
Each scout starts as a member of a den, but is a part of a much larger network of scouts that will help support their growth and development throughout their scouting adventures. Members join a Cub Scout pack and are assigned to a Den based on their grade. Each den is lead by a Den Leader, which is a trained parent volunteer. Den meetings will be planned by the leader, and include games, handcrafts, hikes, and other outdoor fun, practicing skits and stunts in preparation for the next Pack meeting and taking part in simple ceremonies and songs.
Our pack typically meets on the fourth Monday of the month. There are a few months that meeting dates have to be changed due to the activity. Dens meet one to two times a month, on a day of the week that the Den Leader has decided on. As a pack, we do various activities on top of the pack and den meetings. We have two camp outs every school year, one in the fall and another in the spring which are scheduled on a Saturday. There is no requirements to spending the night, but is is encouraged to at least attend the daytime activities. We also participate in a cleanup effort with the VFW in Papillion. They give us use of their land as a camping site at no cost, so as a payment we help with picking up garbage and sticks on the property. Other activities that the Pack participates in are, and not limited to, popcorn sales, Pinewood derby, family cake bake, Bingo night with the retirees, Scouting for food, and our much anticipated Blue and Gold Banquet.
Kindergarten Scouts, age 5-6 years old
As a Lion, your kindergartner will make friends, laugh loud, gain confidence, discover nature, and most of all...have fun! They'll experience the Scouting concept of character development, leadership, citizenship, and personal fitness through engaging, and exciting adventures!! Your kindergartner will have a blast exploring the world around them in ways that fuel their imagination and creativity. Together, you'll take the first steps down the path to success.* Den meetings are 1-2 times per month. Lions will attend selected Pack meetings to complete certain requirements. The Pack meetings that are option, will be the decision of the den. Our past lions have decided to attend all Pack meetings, with a success. Lions will participate in two flag ceremonies throughout the school year, with the help of the older Cub Scouts.
Awards and advancements will be issued as Lions complete their activities. Advancements are belt loops that they will be able to wear on their scout belt. After the completion of the 5 required adventures, each scout will receive their Lion badge. Uniform: Lion Cubs wear a BSA Lion T-shirt, with a Lion hat as optional Workbook/Parent guidebook for completing activities Works cited
Picture copied from *text copied from
Tiger, 1st Grade boys
A scout who is 7 years old or is in the first grade joins Cub Scouting with their parent or adult guardian. This is a unique relative to other ranks in Cub Scouting. Tigers and their adult partners are just that, partners. They attend meetings together, go on adventures like field trips together, and complete requirements together.
Like all new Cub Scouts, a Tiger must first earn his Bobcat rank. After completing the requirements for Bobcat they may go on to complete the requirements for the Tiger rank and the many electives that are offered for their rank.
Tiger Requirements
- Complete each of the following Tiger required adventures with your den or family:
- Backyard Jungle
- Games Tigers Play
- My family's Duty to God
- Team tiger
- Tiger Bites
- Tigers in the Wild
- Complete one Tiger elective adventure of you den or family's choosing.
- With you parent or adult partner, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide, and earn the Cyber Chip award for your age
UniformBlue BSA uniform Orange Tiger neckerchief and Tiger Slider Tiger Handbook Image copied from Text copied from
2nd Grade
A wolf cub is a scout who is 8 years old, or is in the second grade. Like all new Cub Scouts, a Wolf must first earn his Bobcat rank. After completing the requirements for Bobcat they may go on to complete the requirements for the Wolf rank and the many electives that are offered for their rank. Wolf scouts work toward the Wolf rank. The Wolf rank is earned by completing seven adventures as described below. - Complete each of the following Wolf required adventures with your den or family:
- Call of the Wild
- Council Fire
- Duty to God Footsteps
- Howling at the Moon
- Paws on the Path
- Running with the Pack
- Complete on Wolf elective adventure of you den or family's choosing
- With your parent or guardian, complete the exercise in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children and earn the Cyber Chip award for you age
Uniform Blue BSA shirt Yellow Wolf necktie and Slider Wolf Handbook photo copied from text copied from
3rd grade A scout who is 9 years old or in the third grade is a bear.
Like all other new Cub Scouts, a Bear must first earn his Bobcat rank. After completing the requirements for Bobcat they may go on to complete the requirements for the Bear rank and the many electives that are offered for their rank.
Bear scouts work toward the Bear rank. The Bear rank is earned by completing seven adventures as described below. - Complete each of the following Bear required adventures with your den or family:
- Bear Claws
- Bear Necessities
- Fellowship and Duty to God
- Fur, Feathers, and Ferns
- Grin and Bear It
- Paws for Action
- Complete on Bear elective adventure of you den or family's choosing
- With your parent or guardian complete exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children, and earn the Cyber Chip award for your age
Uniform Blue BSA Shirt Blue Bear neckerchief and slider Bear handbook photo copied from text copied from
4th grade A scout who is 10 years old or is in the fourth grade is a Webelos Scout.
Like all other new Cub Scouts, a Webelos first earns their Bobcat rank. After completing the requirements for Bobcat they may go on to complete the requirements for the Webelos rank and the many electives that are offered for this rank.
The Webelos rank is earned by completing the requirements as described below: - Be an active member of your Webelos den for three months. (Being active means having good attendance, and working on den projects)
- Complete each of the following Webelos required adventures with your den or family:
- Cast Iron Chef
- Duty to God and You
- First Responder
- Stronger, Faster, Higher
- Webelos Walkabout
- Complete tow Webelos elective adventures of you den or family's choosing
- With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children, and earn the Cyber Chip award for you age
Uniform Either Blue BSA Cub Scout Shirt or Tan BSA Boy Scout shirt (with blue shoulder loops) Plaid Webelos neckerchief and slider Webelos colors (three ribbons of red, gold, and green fastened together with Webelos pin Webelos handbook photo copied from text copied from
5th grade
A scout who is in the fifth grade.
Like all new Cub Scouts, a Arrow of Life Scout must first earn their Bobcat rank. After completing the requirements for Bobcat they may go on to complete the requirements for the Arrow of Light rank and the many electives that are offered for this rank.
All Cub Scouts, except for those scouts who join Cub Scouting for the first time in fifth grade, must earn their Webelos rank prior to earning the Arrow of Light. The requirements for Webelos and Arrow of Light may be worked on at the same time but the tenure requirements for each must be met and the awards must be earned and presented sequentially.
Arrow of Light is the highest rank a Cub Scout can earn, and the only rank that can be work on the uniform as a Scout.
Arrow of Light Requirements - Be active in your Webelos den for at least six months since completing the fourth grade or for at lease six months since becoming 10 years old. (Be active means having good attendance, and working on den projects)
- Complete each of the following Arrow of Light required adventures with your den or family:
- Building a Better World
- Camper
- Duty to God in Action
- Scouting Adventure
- Complete three Webelos elective adventures of your den or family's choosing
- With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children, and earn the Cyber Chip award for your Age
In February, our Pack holds the Blue and Gold Banquet. At this Banquet, we honor the Arrow of Light Scouts with a bridging ceremony, and they cross the bridge into a Troop of their choice and become Scouts.
Uniform Blue BSA Cub Scout shirt or Tan BSA Boy Scout shirt (with blue shoulder loops) Plaid Webelos neckerchief and slider Webelos Colors (three ribbons of red, gold, and green fastened together with a Webelos pin) Webelso Handbook
photo copied from text copied from