Pack 677's
Home Page
What is Cub Scouts

Cub Scout Pack 677
(Ellisville, Missouri)
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Cub Scout Pack 677 Ellisville, Missouri

Cub Scout Pack 677 is located in Ellisville, MO and is sponsored by Living Word United Methodist Church.  The Pack was chartered in 1987 and is part of the New Horizons District of the Greater St. Louis Area Council. The Council is one of the strongest Scouting programs in the country.  Cub Scouting is a family-oriented program for youth in kindergarten through fifth grades.

Pack 677 is a very active Cub Scout Pack providing a rich environment for scouts and their families. Typical annual events include:


  • Fall Campout

  • Hayride

  • Scouting for Food

  • Flag Ceremonies

  • Pinewood Derby

  • Blue & Gold Banquet

  • Lunch Box Derby

  • Spring Campout

  • Pack Picnic

  • Celebrate Wildwood Parade

  • Summer Camps

  • Rain Gutter Regatta
  • Community Service Activities
  • ...and much more!

The pack meets monthly at Ellisville Elementary School.  In addition,
each den also has their own individual events as well, apart from the pack meetings.  If you are interested in joining our pack or have questions, please send us a message through the "Contact Our Pack" link.



  Pack Meetings are held at:  
 Ellisville Elementary School 
1425 Froesel, Ellisville, MO  63011


Cubmaster - Zeke Remington

Committee Chair - Robert Jimenez




Want to join?

You can join Pack 677 in one of two ways:

1) Show up at our annual School Night to Join Scouting recruiting drive held in August.  This is the best way to get information about our program and ask questions of our leaders.

2) Sign up online!  Simply fill out the application by clicking here, then mail a check for dues to our pack treasurer.

General Disclaimer

Every attempt is made to provide accurate and up to date information for scouts and their families, and theinterested public about scouting activities. The Scouts and Leaders of Pack 677 makes no warranties, expressor implied, or assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, reliability or usefulness of any ofthe information contained herein. Suggestions, recommendations, or additional comments should be directed to Cub Scout Pack 677.